I Went Home.

Many of the Christian women writers, teachers, and preachers I follow have posted this week about John MacArthur’s deplorable behavior at a recent men’s conference. He was asked what two words come to mind when he hears the name “Beth Moore.” He replied, “Go home.” Beth Moore has been a powerful Bible teacher for 40 … Continue reading I Went Home.

Sabbath 1

As we enter Lent, the season in the Church calendar in which we focus on Jesus Christ's sacrifice for love of us, we begin a wild and wandering conversation about Sabbath. What does Sabbath mean to you? Sabbath, #4 of the 10 Commandments, seems to be the one the Church feels free to omit. To … Continue reading Sabbath 1

Advent 2018 Wk4 – Worship

Too often we think Worship = Going to Church. We hustle-bustle out the door. We sit, stand, sing, shake hands in the pews, listen. We greet our neighbors and head home, worship-job done. That's too narrow. Worship = recognizing and reflecting back to God His incredible worth, to love Him and love our neighbor with … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk4 – Worship

It’s Complicated

One of the lessons from history that repeatedly presented itself during our recent trip to Washington D.C. was just how amazingly complex humans are. People can do fascinating things--like deciding it must be possible to fly like a bird and, within less than ten years, producing not only working airplanes but aviation schools. People can … Continue reading It’s Complicated

The Person Right Here

[Since I don’t post when I’m away from home, this week I’m going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation…] True confession: because we work at a church, we don’t always hit a church on vacation Sundays. Because, in too many ways, church = work. We love Jesus, but we can’t … Continue reading The Person Right Here

Getting to Know You

If you want to get to know me but you only invite me to large group gatherings and never have time for a chat over a cuppa joe, you might describe me as awkward, or unfriendly, or cold. I hope I'm not truly awkward, unfriendly, or cold. However, as an introvert, large group settings are … Continue reading Getting to Know You

Hold the Truth Tight

Conflict. Bleh. With so much conflict in the world, one could hope the church would be a conflict-free zone. Far from it. The Bible speaks clearly about the Church’s enemy who stirs up discord and strife. And if you’ve been around the Church for even some time, you’ve likely seen it. I’ve been involved in … Continue reading Hold the Truth Tight

Care Packages

Our church has a tradition of sending care packages to college students as a way of continuing to share love with them even when they cannot be with us. Over the years I have enjoyed writing notes to kids I know, encouraging them to hang in there and that, yes, we do notice you’re not … Continue reading Care Packages

Receive Correction

When I reflect on my lifetime in God’s house, I have to acknowledge God’s grace that I’m still here. Especially in my own tween/teen years, well-intended church-going do-gooders decided it was their Christian duty to beat me over the head with (often misinterpreted) Scripture. Though they aimed to “speak truth in love” (another Scripture taken … Continue reading Receive Correction

ReBuild: Mexico 2017

One of the best things our church does fills one week with life-changing experience and takes the rest of the year to plan, then debrief, before planning the next trip: our spring break house building trip to Mexico with Amor Ministries. This year, as in most years, about 250 high school students and adults built hope, … Continue reading ReBuild: Mexico 2017