What is Your Spiritual Gift?

Do you appreciate the insights you receive from personality assessments? Not fluffy magazine quizzes like “What’s Your Home Decor Personality?” but assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Enneagram Personality Test, and the Five Love Languages? Psychologists and thought leaders have invested years of research into these typologies that can help us understand … Continue reading What is Your Spiritual Gift?

I Went Home.

Many of the Christian women writers, teachers, and preachers I follow have posted this week about John MacArthur’s deplorable behavior at a recent men’s conference. He was asked what two words come to mind when he hears the name “Beth Moore.” He replied, “Go home.” Beth Moore has been a powerful Bible teacher for 40 … Continue reading I Went Home.

Jesus & Women

This morning Guy and I taught one of our church's adult classes on the topic of "Jesus & Women." We talked about 1st century Greek, Roman and Jewish culture in which women were powerless possessions of their male head-of-households. We looked at biblical examples of Jesus' interaction with women and saw how He respectfully engaged … Continue reading Jesus & Women