Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

When did you last feel guilty? What did you do, and what did you do with your guilt: confess it and make it right? Hide it and walk away? What are you ashamed of? It could be related to the same situation if your guilt went unresolved. But shame is sneaky. You likely feel ashamed … Continue reading Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

Fear & Peace

For two long days last week as my pastor-husband prepared a sermon, I overheard his end of several zoom interviews asking people two questions: What causes you fear? and How have you encountered Jesus at your point of fear? I couldn’t hear their answers, so I pondered my own responses to questions I’d been asking … Continue reading Fear & Peace


How are you holding up during the pandemic? I don't typically experience anxiety, but I have during the five weeks the San Francisco Bay Area of California has been under shelter-in-place (SIP). Some days, or at least some hours, I'm fine, and others not so much. I do typically seek out gratitude, and this discipline … Continue reading Unexpected

If Only…

Pre-pandemic pause, we said: If only...we weren’t so busy. If only...we had more time. If only...the family could do more together. During this pandemic pause, we say: If only...this had never happened. If only...I had my own space. If only...we could go back to normal. [Please note: This pandemic hasn't thrust us into the same … Continue reading If Only…

Lent 2020: Maundy Thursday

“My body is like this bread. It will break.” Jesus told them. “This cup of wine is like my blood. It will pour out.” “But this is how God will rescue the whole world…. So whenever you eat and drink, remember,” Jesus said, “I’ve rescued you!” My husband just popped dinner in the oven (a … Continue reading Lent 2020: Maundy Thursday

Lent 2020: Walking Like The Wise Men

The three Wise Men...rode their camels across endless desserts, up steep, steep mountains, down into deep, deep valleys, through raging rivers, over grassy plains, night and day, and day and night, for hours that turned into days, that turned into weeks, that turned into months and months, until, at last, they reached...Jerusalem. During our church’s … Continue reading Lent 2020: Walking Like The Wise Men

Lent 2020: Light in the Darkness

Mary and Joseph named him Jesus, “Emmanuel” -- which means “God has come to live with us.” Because, of course, he had. This baby would be...a Light to light up the whole world. Chasing away darkness. Helping people to see. And the darker the night got, the brighter the star would shine. Our county implemented … Continue reading Lent 2020: Light in the Darkness

Lent 2020: Receive

I’ll take this emptiness...and I’ll fill it up! Out of the darkness, I’m going to make light! And out of the nothing, I’m going to make...EVERYTHING! These lines specifically refer to God’s original act of creation. Yet God continues to create, every minute of every day as we experience them. Sometimes we feel empty, dark, … Continue reading Lent 2020: Receive

Hot & Bothered

How do you feel when you are engaged in a surprising and passionate conversation? Recently, I had an epic, hours-long, meandering and caffeinated conversation with some young women I absolutely adore. For a time, the chatter turned passionate...not at all bad, just intense. In reflection, I felt heard, loving and loved, supported, and I think … Continue reading Hot & Bothered