Easter Sunday 2020

"Jesus isn't dead anymore!" [the angel] said. "He's alive again!" And [the women's] hearts leapt. And then the angel laughed with such gladness... Jesus Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah! For those who want a fresh take on Luke's familiar resurrection account, I offer some questions to guide you. Connect Reflect on a … Continue reading Easter Sunday 2020

Hot & Bothered

How do you feel when you are engaged in a surprising and passionate conversation? Recently, I had an epic, hours-long, meandering and caffeinated conversation with some young women I absolutely adore. For a time, the chatter turned passionate...not at all bad, just intense. In reflection, I felt heard, loving and loved, supported, and I think … Continue reading Hot & Bothered

Sabbath 3

Well now, that Mexico trip sure is something... For eight long days, early mornings to late nights, we traveled and camped, worked and sang, ate rice and beans and lived communally. We shared a memorable and almost indescribable experience while fourteen teams composed mostly of teenagers built homes for families who had lost their homes … Continue reading Sabbath 3

Sabbath 2

You find what you look for. I've been thinking about Sabbath, so of course I've found it even when I haven't been actively looking. Try these unintentional definitions: Stop doing and just be here. "This is the day that the Lord has made. You can rejoice and be glad in it. You can have fun … Continue reading Sabbath 2

Advent 2018 Wk4 – Worship

Too often we think Worship = Going to Church. We hustle-bustle out the door. We sit, stand, sing, shake hands in the pews, listen. We greet our neighbors and head home, worship-job done. That's too narrow. Worship = recognizing and reflecting back to God His incredible worth, to love Him and love our neighbor with … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk4 – Worship

Advent 2018 Wk3 – Faith

The year C20 had his first birthday, Guy and I both turned 30 a few weeks before and after. Our birthdays span November to January so Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's got wrapped up in the fun. We created a list of small celebrations we could enjoy each day during those eight weeks, simple activities … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk3 – Faith

Mighty Love

The first time I saw Yosemite Valley it snowed. I had accompanied my boyfriend (now husband) and his family on a cross-country skiing weekend a short drive from Yosemite. Having never been, they decided I must see it. The snow itself was beautiful but, as it fell from the sky, it obscured the view. I … Continue reading Mighty Love


The Friday before the Monday C19 left for college out-of-state, neighbors we hadn't met posted on social media that they were giving away a full-size bed, a few years old with limited wear-and-tear, with an almost-new mattress. Free. That morning, C19 had awoken in the twin-over-full bunk beds he'd had since childhood. We asked if he'd … Continue reading Overflow

Keep Focused

Does the word psychosomatic still have a negative connotation? It used to be that if someone accused you of having a psychosomatic illness, they meant it was "all in your head." In other words, change your thinking and your illness will disappear. But we know so much more now about the mind-body connection. The mind … Continue reading Keep Focused

What’s the News?

A couple years ago, I decided I needed to curtail my practice of ending each day with the first fifteen minutes of the 10 pm newscast. For most of my adult life, I watched the news before bed. But gradually I realized that I wasn’t sleeping soundly, that images or issues from the news wound … Continue reading What’s the News?