Five Types of Prayer to Refresh Your Joy

How do you feel about prayer? I’ll admit I have mixed feelings. I grew up in churches. I attended a Christian college and seminary. I have been involved with countless ministries. I have worked at churches. And I have prayed silently and out loud in every one of those contexts.  Still, for much of my … Continue reading Five Types of Prayer to Refresh Your Joy

Questions & More Questions

It rarely happens, but my words have stopped flowing. Not entirely, as I have experienced sudden word-gushes that burst in one direction or another. But the regular flow of words that lands in daily 20 minute journaling sessions and twice-weekly blog posts and daily social media posts...that flow has dammed up, leaving only trickles seeping … Continue reading Questions & More Questions

A New Perspective on the Waiting

Last weekend I noticed myself feeling itchy-irritable. Smoke from the fires in Napa (north) and Santa Cruz (south) settled thick on our slice of the San Francisco Bay Area; if the measure of unhealthy air quality starts at a score of 150, our air measured at a ridiculous 1100+. We couldn’t open the windows, we … Continue reading A New Perspective on the Waiting

Finding Faith in the Storm

I woke suddenly to the boom of an explosion, my heart-thud echoing the blast. In my sleepy-confused state, I lifted my eye mask and glanced around the bedroom cast in early gray light. Had it been fireworks? A blown transformer? No, there it was again: thunder crack so loud I shook; seconds later, a charge … Continue reading Finding Faith in the Storm

Fear & Peace

For two long days last week as my pastor-husband prepared a sermon, I overheard his end of several zoom interviews asking people two questions: What causes you fear? and How have you encountered Jesus at your point of fear? I couldn’t hear their answers, so I pondered my own responses to questions I’d been asking … Continue reading Fear & Peace


How are you holding up during the pandemic? I don't typically experience anxiety, but I have during the five weeks the San Francisco Bay Area of California has been under shelter-in-place (SIP). Some days, or at least some hours, I'm fine, and others not so much. I do typically seek out gratitude, and this discipline … Continue reading Unexpected

Advent 4: Stand Firm (2019)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. How are you doing in the whirl and swirl of holiday preparations? Our tree is up, lit, and half-decorated. I was at work when Guy and Q15 got that much done; C21 still has his box of decorations to add, if he gets around to it. The mantle is decorated, but … Continue reading Advent 4: Stand Firm (2019)

Advent 2018 Wk3 – Faith

The year C20 had his first birthday, Guy and I both turned 30 a few weeks before and after. Our birthdays span November to January so Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's got wrapped up in the fun. We created a list of small celebrations we could enjoy each day during those eight weeks, simple activities … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk3 – Faith