Questions & More Questions

It rarely happens, but my words have stopped flowing. Not entirely, as I have experienced sudden word-gushes that burst in one direction or another. But the regular flow of words that lands in daily 20 minute journaling sessions and twice-weekly blog posts and daily social media posts...that flow has dammed up, leaving only trickles seeping … Continue reading Questions & More Questions

Bees (or, What Anxiety Feels Like in My Body)

On Easter Sunday we went for a hike in the hills beyond the end of our neighborhood. The boys went off looking for snakes, per usual, and texted us to stop at a turnout. After a quick photo shoot of our dogs amidst the wildflowers, we waited. As I surveyed the surrounding green hills (big … Continue reading Bees (or, What Anxiety Feels Like in My Body)

33 Ways to De-Funk Your Day

If you're anything like me, occasionally you find yourself in a funk. Not a physical, I-need-a-shower kinda funk; and not a Play that Funky Music, White Boy getcha movin’ kinda funk. Just an I’m in a funk kind of way. Here are some ideas for dealing with it: Practice gratitude: make a list of 3-10 … Continue reading 33 Ways to De-Funk Your Day

Creatively Connecting People to Great People

You know what I mean: some people just light up the world. Not just the room, but the hearts and faces and lives of everyone she encounters. Tori is one of those people. The last time I saw her, she arrived on my doorstep with a delightful squeal, an armful of flowers, and a story about … Continue reading Creatively Connecting People to Great People

Meatless Monday – Wellness Teas

Anyone overdo it this weekend? Anyone? C'mon, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday, after all. Even if you ate (mostly) healthy perhaps, like me, you still managed to eat a few too many bites of, for example, nachos or Girl Scout cookies? About a year ago I read a cookbook that advocated starting each day with a cup … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Wellness Teas