3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 2

This is part 2 of a two-part series on anxiety. Read part 1 here. Let's jump right in. Here are a few things I'm finding helpful in dealing with anxiety: RoutinesThe pandemic taught me that I rely on imposed routines. When all normal routines vanished, it took me a while to find my way back … Continue reading 3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 2

3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 1

Maybe I’ve had anxiety for years and called it “stress.” Maybe this is new. Either way, anxiety put me in a choke-hold when shelter-in-place orders went into effect in March. Among the long list of things I hadn’t expected was an entirely personal masterclass in mental health. Five months later and I’ve mostly settled into … Continue reading 3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 1

Bees (or, What Anxiety Feels Like in My Body)

On Easter Sunday we went for a hike in the hills beyond the end of our neighborhood. The boys went off looking for snakes, per usual, and texted us to stop at a turnout. After a quick photo shoot of our dogs amidst the wildflowers, we waited. As I surveyed the surrounding green hills (big … Continue reading Bees (or, What Anxiety Feels Like in My Body)