9 Prayers to Squelch Pandemic Panic (aka, anti-anxiety prayers)

A few weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic shelter-in-place, I knew I needed a different kind of spiritual discipline, one that focused my creative writing on Scripture God could use to lift me out of the sudden onset of anxiety. I began searching God’s Word for promises related to anxiety and fear, and what I needed … Continue reading 9 Prayers to Squelch Pandemic Panic (aka, anti-anxiety prayers)

3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 2

This is part 2 of a two-part series on anxiety. Read part 1 here. Let's jump right in. Here are a few things I'm finding helpful in dealing with anxiety: RoutinesThe pandemic taught me that I rely on imposed routines. When all normal routines vanished, it took me a while to find my way back … Continue reading 3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 2

3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 1

Maybe I’ve had anxiety for years and called it “stress.” Maybe this is new. Either way, anxiety put me in a choke-hold when shelter-in-place orders went into effect in March. Among the long list of things I hadn’t expected was an entirely personal masterclass in mental health. Five months later and I’ve mostly settled into … Continue reading 3 Things I’m Learning About Anxiety and 5 Things that Help – part 1

Fear & Peace

For two long days last week as my pastor-husband prepared a sermon, I overheard his end of several zoom interviews asking people two questions: What causes you fear? and How have you encountered Jesus at your point of fear? I couldn’t hear their answers, so I pondered my own responses to questions I’d been asking … Continue reading Fear & Peace

Bees (or, What Anxiety Feels Like in My Body)

On Easter Sunday we went for a hike in the hills beyond the end of our neighborhood. The boys went off looking for snakes, per usual, and texted us to stop at a turnout. After a quick photo shoot of our dogs amidst the wildflowers, we waited. As I surveyed the surrounding green hills (big … Continue reading Bees (or, What Anxiety Feels Like in My Body)

Tell the Truth

A few nights ago, just as I realized I had an unforeseen free evening ahead of me, my neighbor popped over to spontaneously invite me to a panel on teen stress at a nearby high school. I said yes. An hour later I fought back tears as a well-dressed dad pointed to a picture of his … Continue reading Tell the Truth

Advent 2 – Finding Peace

Ironically, during a week in which I've intentionally focused on expecting peace, I've found distress more often. The same hour I learned about the mass shooting in San Bernardino, I also heard that a neighbor, husband of an acquaintance, was in a suicidal stand-off with police. He alternately pointed a pistol at his temple and his mouth and, after hours of … Continue reading Advent 2 – Finding Peace

Advent 1 – Expecting Peace

Stating the obvious: we do not live in a peaceful world. War and rumors of war. School shootings. Crime in all its variety. Job stress. Illness. Divorce. Even in my everyday mundane suburban life, peace seems elusive. So today's title made me wonder: do I expect peace? Maybe my faith is too small. Maybe my … Continue reading Advent 1 – Expecting Peace

The Kids are Okay

We have completed Week 2 of the school year and I can happily report that we are all doing OK! At least mostly. I think. We've only had... ...one lost backpack, ...one slept-through alarm clock, ...one forgotten bike lock combination, ...one forgotten lunch box, ...one "oops, I forgot to turn it in" homework assignment, ...a couple "oops, … Continue reading The Kids are Okay