Found It!

Most visitors to Año Nuevo State Park this time of year are looking for elephant seals. Our family went in search of a snake. The San Francisco Garter Snake, to be exact, an endangered species that makes its home in that area. C20 has been desperate to find one. We decided to make this President's … Continue reading Found It!


Parenting can be So Fun! For example, today, when I told Q14 I would pick him up mid-school day but didn't explain why. And he didn't remember or figure out that TODAY is the day he gets his braces off! And I got to surprise him with one of the best surprises an adolescent can … Continue reading Surprise!

Meatless Monday – Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges with Jalapeno Aioli

As Teen gets older I am acutely aware that our time with him under our roof nears an end. We have a year and a half until high school graduation, and though the first year and a half of his life seemed almost interminable (exhaustion, diapers, crying - from both baby and mommy, mind-numbing boredom involved … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges with Jalapeno Aioli

Tell the Truth

A few nights ago, just as I realized I had an unforeseen free evening ahead of me, my neighbor popped over to spontaneously invite me to a panel on teen stress at a nearby high school. I said yes. An hour later I fought back tears as a well-dressed dad pointed to a picture of his … Continue reading Tell the Truth