January in California

I am enamored with January in California. While friends around the world share pictures of snow or, much worse, inflamed cheeks frosted with icy eyelashes, here “green” has become a verb. We watch, newly astonished, at the greening of our once crisp straw hills. Once dead lawns resurrect themselves, springing to life with tender green … Continue reading January in California

Expectation: O Come, Emmanuel

Advent is a season of waiting. Unlike God’s people of old, we know we will celebrate the Messiah’s birth on December 25, and we spend about a month preparing our homes and hearts for his arrival. They had to wait. Like all God’s people throughout time, we’re still waiting for the Messiah’s eventual return. We’re … Continue reading Expectation: O Come, Emmanuel

You’re Doing Your Best

Except for the poor night’s sleep (sick kid), I would have walked the dogs in the morning. Except for the stomach that cramped as we headed up the hill (did I catch kid’s sickness?), we would have walked the longer route. We passed the house a few streets away where we alternately have seen a … Continue reading You’re Doing Your Best

Storm Reflections

Today it’s blustery and gray outside, and the forecasted rain is most certainly on its way. It’s chilly and the storm hasn’t yet hit. It will be colder and wetter soon. But not that long ago the sun radiated through the autumn-bedazzled green-yellow trees. The sky was a brilliant blue and even with a slight … Continue reading Storm Reflections

Following the Words: Scattered

One evening I heard myself say to my husband, “I feel scattered.” I went on to explain just a few of the dizzying directions in which my brain was spinning: the books I’m reading--to study the author’s writing style, to challenge myself to learn about life from a different perspective, to unwind before bed; my … Continue reading Following the Words: Scattered

Reminder: YOU are Essential Even if You’re Not an Essential Worker

Essential: s·sen·tial/əˈsen(t)SHəl/adjectiveDefinition: absolutely necessary; extremely important. Who knew the word essential would take on such significance in 2020? At midnight on March 17, 2020, Californians were suddenly under lock-down orders due to an unprecedented pandemic. Everyone but essential workers would stay at home, leaving only for exercise (and that on foot or bike) or essential … Continue reading Reminder: YOU are Essential Even if You’re Not an Essential Worker

If Only…

Pre-pandemic pause, we said: If only...we weren’t so busy. If only...we had more time. If only...the family could do more together. During this pandemic pause, we say: If only...this had never happened. If only...I had my own space. If only...we could go back to normal. [Please note: This pandemic hasn't thrust us into the same … Continue reading If Only…