Quirky and Wonder-full, YOU are the Main Character in Your Story

Think about some of your favorite TV or movie characters. What idiosyncrasies do they possess? How are they uniquely quirky? Like Moira Rose’s voice (Schitt’s Creek). Or Barney Stinson’s suits (How I Met Your Mother). Or Sheldon’s bathroom schedule (The Big Bang Theory). Or Phoebe’s off-key singing voice wailing: “Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are … Continue reading Quirky and Wonder-full, YOU are the Main Character in Your Story

Reminder: YOU are Essential Even if You’re Not an Essential Worker

Essential: s·sen·tial/əˈsen(t)SHəl/adjectiveDefinition: absolutely necessary; extremely important. Who knew the word essential would take on such significance in 2020? At midnight on March 17, 2020, Californians were suddenly under lock-down orders due to an unprecedented pandemic. Everyone but essential workers would stay at home, leaving only for exercise (and that on foot or bike) or essential … Continue reading Reminder: YOU are Essential Even if You’re Not an Essential Worker

What’s Your Dance Party?

I've been thinking about "YES!" This word, "create," requires saying Yes to life, to invitations, to play, and, sometimes worse, to those things that intimidate or downright scare me. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for saying "NO!" as necessary. I believe in it. Oh baby, YES, we have to say NO! from time to … Continue reading What’s Your Dance Party?

Let it Go!

Sometimes a theme pops up, seemingly out of nowhere and suddenly everywhere, and begins buzzing around my brain like a catchy song. The last few days the theme has been, "Let it Go!" No, not the song from Frozen, although it certainly is catchy... (Oh, to sing like Idina Menzel! Hum along with me? Aw, heck, let's … Continue reading Let it Go!