Love as Creative Energy

I don't dance well but, when the music and mood strike, watch out! And I have danced with today's guest post author; together, we have joyfully boogied at a friend's wedding celebration and at concerts in the park. She danced with my kiddo first, though...she was one of his fabulous PreK teachers and, though I … Continue reading Love as Creative Energy

What’s Your Dance Party?

I've been thinking about "YES!" This word, "create," requires saying Yes to life, to invitations, to play, and, sometimes worse, to those things that intimidate or downright scare me. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for saying "NO!" as necessary. I believe in it. Oh baby, YES, we have to say NO! from time to … Continue reading What’s Your Dance Party?

Marvelous Monday

Not Moaning Monday, as I appreciate a fresh start. And no Meatless Monday recipe, either. The schools had Teacher In-Service Days so we took our kids and friends to San Francisco for the day - hooray for flexible jobs that allow such freedom! We started at the California Academy of Sciences, walked through Golden Gate Park to lunch at a … Continue reading Marvelous Monday