Goals, Habits, & My 22 for 2022 List

Several things came together in a short period of time that felt like synchronicity: Twice in one day I came across the familiar quote by Rilke encouraging me to “live the questions now,” which got me thinking about the questions that have arisen during this ongoing odd time of life. In the practice of choosing … Continue reading Goals, Habits, & My 22 for 2022 List

Questions & More Questions

It rarely happens, but my words have stopped flowing. Not entirely, as I have experienced sudden word-gushes that burst in one direction or another. But the regular flow of words that lands in daily 20 minute journaling sessions and twice-weekly blog posts and daily social media posts...that flow has dammed up, leaving only trickles seeping … Continue reading Questions & More Questions

Meatless Monday: Plant-Based Challenge Wk3

When you come to appreciate the wisdom of planning ahead because a) you get sick and b) you hadn't planned adequately enough... I enjoy meal planning and prepping on Sundays. But last Sunday would be followed by a day-off Monday, so less need. Plus, I felt slightly under the weather, so napping took priority. Hence … Continue reading Meatless Monday: Plant-Based Challenge Wk3

Meatless Monday – Plant-Based Challenge Wk2

Set it and forget it. In other words, plan ahead. Week 2 started with a bang. I gave myself the twin gifts of time and money by skipping the store and meal planning with what I already had. The week's theme foods included  wheat, chickpeas and squash, so I landed on pumpkin; I spent Sunday … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Plant-Based Challenge Wk2

What We’ve Learned about Sleep

Most parents coach their infants to consistent sleep patterns and take their high school graduates to college. Tween didn't learn to sleep, so in middle school we took him to a major university to participate in research on teen sleep. Every child is different, right? Teen was a great sleeper from Week 1 (or maybe that was the … Continue reading What We’ve Learned about Sleep

Thankful Thursday – Hufflepuff & Blooms

So uncharacteristic, I began running about six weeks ago. Once-twice a week became two-three times a week became daily. Huh, I'm running! Not a runner, but running no less. About four weeks in I felt a funny coldness in my throat. Then a cough developed, non-productive, just annoying. Then I couldn't breath deeply - butterflies fluttered … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Hufflepuff & Blooms

Running in the Rain

You don’t have to know me well to know I’m not a runner. My inner critic says, You might know at first glance, but I tell that voice to hush up now. For various reasons, I haven’t run since a college-required fitness class, mostly because it felt torturous, no fun at all. Walking, hiking, YES, … Continue reading Running in the Rain

Meatless Monday – Wellness Teas

Anyone overdo it this weekend? Anyone? C'mon, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday, after all. Even if you ate (mostly) healthy perhaps, like me, you still managed to eat a few too many bites of, for example, nachos or Girl Scout cookies? About a year ago I read a cookbook that advocated starting each day with a cup … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Wellness Teas

What’s Your Dance Party?

I've been thinking about "YES!" This word, "create," requires saying Yes to life, to invitations, to play, and, sometimes worse, to those things that intimidate or downright scare me. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for saying "NO!" as necessary. I believe in it. Oh baby, YES, we have to say NO! from time to … Continue reading What’s Your Dance Party?