Thankful Thursday – 25 January 2018

What a week! One kid had a day off school while the other, too far away, landed in the ER with a mystery illness. Rain on and off, dogs didn't get enough exercise, and I had sleepless nights and a migraine for days. Still, as Kelly Corrigan reminds us, life is like that. And, as … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – 25 January 2018

Thankful Thursday – Neighbors

Our dog has been sleeping on two beds. A few days ago, our neighbors drove away in their cars and rental moving van, all loaded to the max. They took their funny cat and sweet black lab. Of course they did. But over nine years, our neighbors have become our friends. We borrowed onions and bought each … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Neighbors

Thankful Thursday – Spring Break Through

A friend emailed: "Are you ok? Your 'miracles' are sounding like you need a lot of hugs." Hmmm... Good feedback, since I hadn't intended to sound like a downer. I am okay, generally. This has been a month of long work hours unbalanced by enough fun or activity as I've recuperated this ankle sprain. Every day … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Spring Break Through

Thankful Thursday – Love Thyself (Body, Too)

Arguably the only good thing about injury and illness is their capacity to increase one's gratitude for health and wellness. Almost four weeks ago I went for a run (over a year later, that I run--ever!--still gives rise to my surprised giggles). A few miles later, having run and walked in turn, feeling better than … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Love Thyself (Body, Too)

Thankful Thursday – Friendship

Slowly, gently, she grew into my life like a beautiful, flowering vine: mom of Tween's friend, friend of a friend, eventually, my friend. And way too soon, she moved a world away. Of course she would. She came from across the world. She and her sweet family were always on loan to us. I just didn't … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Friendship

Thankful Thursday – Maundy Thursday 2017

I did not grow up with a tradition of observing Lent but, as an adult, I have grown in appreciation for spiritual discipline in general and this season of church life specifically. God does great things when we give Him great access to our lives through disciplines that help to tune our eyes and ears … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Maundy Thursday 2017

Thankful Thursday – My Awesome Doghouse

No matter what you do, how hard you work, how much you invest, how great your love or commitment, you will disappoint people. The junior high and high school popular kids. Certain teachers or college professors. Friends and neighbors. Bosses and authority figures of all stripes and spots. Family members, community members, and church members. … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – My Awesome Doghouse

Thankful Thursday – 2017 Gratitude Journal

Tween was diagnosed with ADHD this fall, which makes two-for-two of my kids with ADHD (one Hyperactive, the other Inattentive). For him, it was the missing piece of his health puzzle: ADHD spins his brain leading to insomnia, and enough accrued sleep debt leads to cyclic vomiting/migraines. He felt so relieved to have new information and … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – 2017 Gratitude Journal

2016 Create Challenge & (Re)Discovering My POV

Just about a year ago, my brother-in-law and I discussed creativity as we washed Christmas china. We hatched a plan to invite people to post on my blog about creativity. As a result, this year 39 people have guest-posted, one friend 2x, and I have been moved, inspired, blessed. Throughout this year, I have heard two … Continue reading 2016 Create Challenge & (Re)Discovering My POV