You’re Doing Your Best

Except for the poor night’s sleep (sick kid), I would have walked the dogs in the morning. Except for the stomach that cramped as we headed up the hill (did I catch kid’s sickness?), we would have walked the longer route. We passed the house a few streets away where we alternately have seen a … Continue reading You’re Doing Your Best


For Mother's Day, I received two bouquets of flowers: one from my in-laws and another from my kids. I posted pictures on social media because I have a thing for flowers. The next day, my neighbor and her young daughter stood on my doorstep holding a beautiful bouquet of homegrown roses. Mom had shown my … Continue reading Boomerang

“I Like You As You Are”

[I don't often post 2x/day but I'm making an exception... GO see this movie!] Last night in the car I heard the words to the new Florence + The Machine song, Hunger: At seventeen, I started to starve myself I thought that love was a kind of emptiness And at least I understood then the … Continue reading “I Like You As You Are”

Thankful Thursday – Neighbors

Our dog has been sleeping on two beds. A few days ago, our neighbors drove away in their cars and rental moving van, all loaded to the max. They took their funny cat and sweet black lab. Of course they did. But over nine years, our neighbors have become our friends. We borrowed onions and bought each … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Neighbors

Thankful Thursday – My Awesome Doghouse

No matter what you do, how hard you work, how much you invest, how great your love or commitment, you will disappoint people. The junior high and high school popular kids. Certain teachers or college professors. Friends and neighbors. Bosses and authority figures of all stripes and spots. Family members, community members, and church members. … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – My Awesome Doghouse

Better Together

I've been thinking about community... Recently a friend posted about setting "Better Together" goals with her husband. It got me thinking (thanks, Cara!). I'm not much of a goal setter, too generally scatter-brained. But Guy's more organized along those lines. What if we set goals together and held each other accountable? During my Inauguration Day … Continue reading Better Together

“There are such nice people in this world…”

...says Tween, as the lady burying the Target conveyor belt with items notices our simple three items - a pack of lip balm and two shower scrubbies - and invites us to jump ahead of her in line. Of course he's right. There are such nice people in this world. This week we met fantastic doctors … Continue reading “There are such nice people in this world…”

Paper Towns

Paper Towns by John Green My rating: 3 of 5 stars You can see her: *that* girl in your high school, the sparkly, witty, smart one, the one everyone adores and some suspect might be way cooler if she wasn't also the popular kids' ringleader. Her name might be, for example, Margo Roth Spiegelman. Your … Continue reading Paper Towns