Pursuing Hobbies Side-by-Side

Relationship tips: do your own things side-by-side. Also, support each other in doing your own things even when you can’t do them side-by-side. Dave wanted to go fishing while we were in British Columbia. Who knows if we’ll ever get back there, so it was worth an afternoon. We spent the morning together gasping at … Continue reading Pursuing Hobbies Side-by-Side


The smallest spark can ignite a fire,for good or ill,To warm friends around a campfire on a chilly nightTo candle-cozy a room and illuminate a page of readingTo create a fireline for safetyOr burn down buildings. The smallest spark of electricity canPower a light bulb or an engineAnd heat or cool your food or home.Lightning … Continue reading Spark

Love is the Remedy

Five Minute Friday prompt: REMEDY Today I am two weeks post-second COVID vaccination. Which means I should be about as safe as I can be. The vaccine is a specific remedy to a world-wide problem that has shifted our lives more than we currently recognize. I don’t need to rehash the overwhelm of this past … Continue reading Love is the Remedy

What the World Needs Now

On Monday before the mandatory shelter-in-place began, I had to run a few errands that included picking up a prescription at the pharmacy. Surprisingly, the line was short, with two people already being helped at the counter and one person ahead of me. She was covered head to foot: a colorful rag-style hat on her … Continue reading What the World Needs Now


The one-word writing prompt—exact—reminds me that I am not one for exact-ness. Numbers require precision, and I am a Word Girl who prefers not to deal with numbers. Even when I’m looking for just the right word(s), I could be convinced of any number of synonyms that would carry the meaning and lend a nuance. … Continue reading Exact

Give Good Gifts

My nephew came to visit and brought me a gift from my sister. She thought I needed some encouragement, so she put together the best care package ever. Gifts are her love language, not mine. Time and good company are really all I need to feel loved. But this gift…! She packed a small box … Continue reading Give Good Gifts


For Mother's Day, I received two bouquets of flowers: one from my in-laws and another from my kids. I posted pictures on social media because I have a thing for flowers. The next day, my neighbor and her young daughter stood on my doorstep holding a beautiful bouquet of homegrown roses. Mom had shown my … Continue reading Boomerang

Ted Tuesday – Love Letters

Because the world feels upside-down and my heart breaks in so many ways for so many reasons, I asked myself: What do you need today? Love, I tell myself. I need love. When people are shot in their place of worship; when the politicians smear muck on each other and the dirty splash hits the … Continue reading Ted Tuesday – Love Letters

“I Like You As You Are”

[I don't often post 2x/day but I'm making an exception... GO see this movie!] Last night in the car I heard the words to the new Florence + The Machine song, Hunger: At seventeen, I started to starve myself I thought that love was a kind of emptiness And at least I understood then the … Continue reading “I Like You As You Are”

Say the Words

Twice this week I’ve found myself in conversation with people who have recently and unexpectedly lost a parent, a woman whose father died and a man whose mother died, both from a stroke. Last night as I listened to my friend describe the events surrounding his mother’s last days, he said, “Tell the people you … Continue reading Say the Words