What’s the News?

A couple years ago, I decided I needed to curtail my practice of ending each day with the first fifteen minutes of the 10 pm newscast. For most of my adult life, I watched the news before bed. But gradually I realized that I wasn’t sleeping soundly, that images or issues from the news wound … Continue reading What’s the News?

Believe. Love.

Many years ago, in my first church job, I had the privilege of working in the front office. Which meant I was the 'face' of the office, handling all the various requests of both members and those who walked in off the street. Brenda, the mentally-absent and sweet homeless woman whom we often let sleep … Continue reading Believe. Love.

Find Center

If you've been around here for a while, you'll know that I've been a Jesus-lover since forever. I have spent most of my professional life working in churches, and I am also married to a pastor. And I (mostly) love the church in all its beauty and brokenness. All of this can lead to a … Continue reading Find Center

Humble. Yoga. Go!

Friends opened a yoga studio and invited me to try it. I’d never tried yoga and, other than mandatory (despised, humiliating) PE classes all the way through college and some neon jazzercise in the late-80’s/early-90’s, group exercise—team or class—hasn’t been my thing. To be honest, exercise hasn’t been my thing. I’m branching out in middle … Continue reading Humble. Yoga. Go!

24 Years and Counting

Today we celebrate 24 years of marriage. We met at 17, started dating at 20, got engaged at 22, and married at 23. We have now been married more than half our lives. In that time, we have lived in seven homes in three counties in one state. We have worked at nine jobs, including … Continue reading 24 Years and Counting

For Cryin’ Out Loud

How many times have I sat with a group of women, Bibles open to Luke 10, as criticism of Martha zings around the room? Martha’s too busy. She’s caught up in the wrong thing. She’s obviously Type A. Clearly she’s a fussbudget busybody. She’s overly dramatic. She’s causing a scene. Does she think she needs … Continue reading For Cryin’ Out Loud

Love as Creative Energy

I don't dance well but, when the music and mood strike, watch out! And I have danced with today's guest post author; together, we have joyfully boogied at a friend's wedding celebration and at concerts in the park. She danced with my kiddo first, though...she was one of his fabulous PreK teachers and, though I … Continue reading Love as Creative Energy

Pride & Joy

Parents often speak of their children as their Pride and Joy. My mom has often said that she can’t be proud of her children. Not that she doesn’t have reason to feel pride, but that she won’t take credit for our accomplishments. I hope it's not disrespectful, on Mother's Day of all days, to say: … Continue reading Pride & Joy

“Just one time.”

At its center, every creative act requires vulnerability. And I am flat-out-on-the-floor humbled that today's guest post writer allowed this simple blog and the invitation to express her creativity to become the vehicle to share a story so vulnerable, so powerful, so raw and real. She says, "God has been prompting me to write my story … Continue reading “Just one time.”

Create Hope

I have known today's guest post writer for close to half my lifetime, and she has been one of God's best gifts to me: laid back and passionate; thoughtful and whip-smart; kind and prayerful. She also has one of the best laughs I've ever heard. She seriously listens and together we laugh until we cry. She's also … Continue reading Create Hope