“Just one time.”

At its center, every creative act requires vulnerability. And I am flat-out-on-the-floor humbled that today's guest post writer allowed this simple blog and the invitation to express her creativity to become the vehicle to share a story so vulnerable, so powerful, so raw and real. She says, "God has been prompting me to write my story … Continue reading “Just one time.”

Thankful (Maundy) Thursday

Maundy Thursday. Also known as Holy Thursday, Covenant Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, Sheer Thursday, and Thursday of Mysteries (loving this last one - because isn't God's love SUCH a mystery?). Maundy Thursday is the day on which we commemorate Jesus' last supper with His disciples before He was betrayed (later that night), crucified (Good Friday), and … Continue reading Thankful (Maundy) Thursday