
It’s been a quiet week. While C19 has been away at college, Guy has been leading a house-building trip in Mexico for 250 high school students and adults, and Q13 has been travelling England and France, I have been at home, working and walking dogs. I don’t mind. I had been looking forward to this … Continue reading Hush.

Thankful Thursday – 25 January 2018

What a week! One kid had a day off school while the other, too far away, landed in the ER with a mystery illness. Rain on and off, dogs didn't get enough exercise, and I had sleepless nights and a migraine for days. Still, as Kelly Corrigan reminds us, life is like that. And, as … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – 25 January 2018

Thankful Thursday – Fall Blooms

About this time six years ago, a few weeks into Tween's second grade year, his teacher found me admiring bulletin boards in the breezeway. She said, "Hey, can you give me a tip? Tween doesn't seem to realize he's in school." I immediately replied, "Oh, give him some time. He'll realize it's no longer summer … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Fall Blooms

Thankful Thursday – Road Trippin’ the American West

The longest road trip I remember from childhood took me to Disneyland, which seemed So Far Away, though now I have to admit that the hour-and-a-half drive from San Diego to Anaheim doesn't truly count. Guy's family did real road trips: six weeks coast-to-coast in a Volkswagen Vanagon, a different route each way, every summer. … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Road Trippin’ the American West

Thankful Thursday – Neighbors

Our dog has been sleeping on two beds. A few days ago, our neighbors drove away in their cars and rental moving van, all loaded to the max. They took their funny cat and sweet black lab. Of course they did. But over nine years, our neighbors have become our friends. We borrowed onions and bought each … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Neighbors

Thankful Thursday – Maundy Thursday 2017

I did not grow up with a tradition of observing Lent but, as an adult, I have grown in appreciation for spiritual discipline in general and this season of church life specifically. God does great things when we give Him great access to our lives through disciplines that help to tune our eyes and ears … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Maundy Thursday 2017

2016 Create Challenge & (Re)Discovering My POV

Just about a year ago, my brother-in-law and I discussed creativity as we washed Christmas china. We hatched a plan to invite people to post on my blog about creativity. As a result, this year 39 people have guest-posted, one friend 2x, and I have been moved, inspired, blessed. Throughout this year, I have heard two … Continue reading 2016 Create Challenge & (Re)Discovering My POV

Thankful Thursday – Southern Oregon Summer

My gracious in-laws offered us the use of their home in Medford, Oregon while they're travelling (French & Italian Riviera). We had been planning a camping road-trip around college visits for Teen, but our kids gently pointed out that, ahem, as Scouts they camp all the time, and could we please not camp on vacation? Especially … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Southern Oregon Summer

Thankful Thursday – Burstin’ Blooms

SO much for which to be thankful! * A restful spring break. * 270+ church friends built 12 homes and one classroom in Mexico. * Teen stayed safe and had (occasionally ridiculous) fun playing rugby in Italy. * Great worship experiences over the last three weeks. * Tween has The Best Trumpet Teacher who makes … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Burstin’ Blooms

Thankful Thursday – Spring Break 2016

Me: You know what day it is? Tween: No, what? Me: Thankful Thursday. Tween: Oh, awesome! Awesome indeed. Actually, everyday of this spring break staycation has been awesome. Tween and I have played and read, repeat repeat repeat. We are almost done with Shel Silverstein's Everything On It, and about halfway through Neil Gaiman's The … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Spring Break 2016