2020 Armchair Traveling: San Francisco

This week I’m armchair traveling on my blog and Instagram to share My Life in Coffee Mugs. I grew up in San Diego. I went away to college and eventually returned. And then we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where we’ve lived for almost 15 years. The Bay Area is where our kids … Continue reading 2020 Armchair Traveling: San Francisco

2020 Armchair Traveling: Norway

This week I am sharing on my blog and on Instagram about My Life in Coffee Mugs. On Monday, I wrote on the blog about New York City. On Tuesday on Instagram I posted about my hometown of San Diego. Today I am blogging about Norway... We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary with two weeks … Continue reading 2020 Armchair Traveling: Norway

Family Traditions: Breakfast of Champions

Have you ever surprised yourself with a family tradition you didn’t recognize as such until you discovered yourself in the middle of it for the bazillionth time? Last weekend we got away for a few days in Tahoe. We like to stay in places that have a kitchen so we can prepare at least a … Continue reading Family Traditions: Breakfast of Champions

Hurry, Boys…

Hurry, Boy, she's waiting there for you... --Toto, Africa Click here for a hilarious quick read about how Toto's ode to Africa became such an unlikely and enduring hit.   My Guy, my eldest son, and my brother-in-law are winging their way across the world on an incredible adventure: they are on their way to … Continue reading Hurry, Boys…

Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere

Someone left a rock dead center on the sign-in counter at the gym. Painted white with black letters reading “Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere” amidst colorful polka dots, it's so out of place it caught my attention. It reminded me of painted rocks I saw while on vacation in Pacific Grove. Someone(s) had painted stones to resemble … Continue reading Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere

Be Where You Are

For most of the last eighteen years, our family has spent one week each summer vacationing in Pacific Grove, California, a NorCal coastal town nestled between Monterey and Carmel. Many years before our annual vacations began, while we were dating and newly married, Guy and I would drive from his childhood home in Santa Cruz … Continue reading Be Where You Are

Last Day//Best Day

[Since I don’t post when I’m away from home, this week I’m going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation…] When you’ve vacationed in the same place for so many years, you count time in days and traditions and experiences. It’s not just “Monday,” but what did we do on Monday, … Continue reading Last Day//Best Day

Riding a Bike

[Since I don’t post when I’m away from home, this week I’m going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation…] They say, “…it’s like learning to ride a bike!” They’re wrong. I don’t remember learning to ride a bike. I do remember lobbying for my first ten-speed. I accompanied my friend … Continue reading Riding a Bike


[Since I don’t post when I’m away from home, this week I’m going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation…] “Do you think this makes one too many visits?”, my mom asks as we’ve ‘lost’ the teenagers again in the Monterey Bay Aquarium. “No,” I reply, “never too many visits. The … Continue reading Greatness

His Mother’s Voice

[Since I don't post when I'm away from home, this week I'm going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation...] Trying to wrestle three teenage boys out of the vacation house and into the vacation isn’t as easy as it should be. Because teenagers: sticky molasses-stubborn. When they finally realized we … Continue reading His Mother’s Voice