The Benefits of Paying Attention

I am over-the-moon that (in)courage has shared my article today. It begins: Last summer our family (my husband, teenage son, and I) took a month-long road trip through the United States as part of Dave’s pastoral sabbatical. We made a loop from our home in Northern California through the Southwest to Kentucky and back through … Continue reading The Benefits of Paying Attention

We’ve Been Everywhere, Man

I’m no Johnny Cash so I won’t try to rhyme all the places we’ve been, but wow did we ever go sauntering (read “the before” post here). We can truly sing along with Cash that we’ve crossed the desert's bare, man and breathed the mountain air, man. Santa Barbara, CAGrand Canyon NP, AZ Zion & … Continue reading We’ve Been Everywhere, Man

2020 Travel: Tahoe

A week ago I began a blog and Instagram series on 2020 Armchair Traveling: My Life in Coffee Mugs. I wrote about New York City, Norway, and the San Francisco Bay Area and on IG posted about each of these destinations as well as San Diego. This is the final post in this series...for now. … Continue reading 2020 Travel: Tahoe

2020 Armchair Traveling: San Francisco

This week I’m armchair traveling on my blog and Instagram to share My Life in Coffee Mugs. I grew up in San Diego. I went away to college and eventually returned. And then we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where we’ve lived for almost 15 years. The Bay Area is where our kids … Continue reading 2020 Armchair Traveling: San Francisco

2020 Armchair Traveling: Norway

This week I am sharing on my blog and on Instagram about My Life in Coffee Mugs. On Monday, I wrote on the blog about New York City. On Tuesday on Instagram I posted about my hometown of San Diego. Today I am blogging about Norway... We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary with two weeks … Continue reading 2020 Armchair Traveling: Norway

2020 Armchair Traveling: My Life in Coffee Mugs

Along with so much else in 2020, travel has been cancelled. Good thing my coffee mugs remind me where I’ve been--exactly what Starbucks intended, right? This week, I’ll let my warm cuppa whisk me away to share a few highlights from my life. Today is my birthday. It’s also an ordinary Monday in an exceptionally … Continue reading 2020 Armchair Traveling: My Life in Coffee Mugs

What Thumper’s Father Said

In the classic Disney movie, Bambi, Thumper comments on Bambi’s clumsy first steps, “He doesn’t walk very good, does he?” Thumper’s mother jumps in: “Thumper, what did your father tell you?” A chastened Thumper—and a chastened me, when my mom reminded me of this scene throughout my childhood—quotes: If you can’t say something nice, don’t … Continue reading What Thumper’s Father Said

More NYC

We crammed so much fun into just a few days that my heart and head are full of NYC... Since we returned, I've been posting pictures and reflections (art, architecture, history, public spaces, etc) over on Instagram. Follow me there for more: @sivricketts. And meanwhile, settle into fall with a delicious, healthy, and oh-so-easy Cauliflower … Continue reading More NYC

NYC, There’s Something About Ya’

The Best Weekend! I told my family that, for my BIG birthday, I wanted to wake up with my loves in a place we’d never adventured together before. We discussed the pros and cons of various locations and landed on: New York City. How does a nature-loving, bookish homebody—easily overwhelmed and edgy in crowded cities … Continue reading NYC, There’s Something About Ya’