Let’s Go Sauntering

Before he departed for Sabbatical Adventure 1, Dave read to me a quote from John Muir: “I don't like either the word [hike] or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains - not 'hike!' Do you know the origin of that word saunter? It's a beautiful word. Away back in the middle ages … Continue reading Let’s Go Sauntering

Hurry, Boys…

Hurry, Boy, she's waiting there for you... --Toto, Africa Click here for a hilarious quick read about how Toto's ode to Africa became such an unlikely and enduring hit.   My Guy, my eldest son, and my brother-in-law are winging their way across the world on an incredible adventure: they are on their way to … Continue reading Hurry, Boys…

NYC, There’s Something About Ya’

The Best Weekend! I told my family that, for my BIG birthday, I wanted to wake up with my loves in a place we’d never adventured together before. We discussed the pros and cons of various locations and landed on: New York City. How does a nature-loving, bookish homebody—easily overwhelmed and edgy in crowded cities … Continue reading NYC, There’s Something About Ya’

Mexico, Here We Come

'Twas the week before the Mexico trip, and all through our house Every creature was stirring, including a mouse! Seriously, it's been a week... Guy has been leading house building trips to Mexico for at least 18 years and participating in them regularly since he was a high school student. But this will be the … Continue reading Mexico, Here We Come

Riding a Bike

[Since I don’t post when I’m away from home, this week I’m going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation…] They say, “…it’s like learning to ride a bike!” They’re wrong. I don’t remember learning to ride a bike. I do remember lobbying for my first ten-speed. I accompanied my friend … Continue reading Riding a Bike

Bigger Than a Bumper Sticker

Last weekend I was One Proud Mama, overflowing with joy, as Teen had what may well have been the best weekend of his seventeen years. It began with a rugby end-of-season barbecue where he won a coaches award for Most Improved player in his position. The coach spoke of Teen’s hard work, determination, and playing … Continue reading Bigger Than a Bumper Sticker

One Year Later

A year ago today, in our last few hours in Costa Rica, I wrote this post: How was your summer? Oh, how to answer that question…? In many ways this summer has been like others: We’ve shopped, cooked, and cleaned We’ve done laundry We’ve paid bills We’ve played with the dog We’ve read, relaxed, and … Continue reading One Year Later


My kids don't do transitions well. I know this, and sometimes it still surprises me. During a still-early fall hallway conversation with Tween's then-2nd grade teacher, she commented that Tween didn't seem to be taking school seriously. Without missing a beat I responded, "Give him until Thanksgiving and he'll be great!" She looked at me … Continue reading Jumbled

Jesus: The Way

As we planned and lived last year's Costa Rica summer, guides took on an importance like never before. Before we left we had maps and guidebooks and websites, all of which we continually referenced throughout the trip. But once on the ground, we also relied on new friends and strangers to point the way; just after we … Continue reading Jesus: The Way