Want to Be Productive? Add Joy!

When our younger son was diagnosed in middle school with inattentive ADHD, I discovered that I have it, too. Our older son has what most people think of as ADHD: capital-H Hyperactive. Our younger son’s personality is so different that we had no idea. Turns out, ADHD doesn’t always look the same. I thought I … Continue reading Want to Be Productive? Add Joy!

Not a Failure

When have you felt like a failure? I awoke this morning from a terrible, vivid dream. Obviously, the dream’s dystopian events are fictional, but the feelings it evoked linger like creepy-tingling nightmarish fog fingers from a supernatural horror movie. I know exactly what the dream meant: I feel like I’m failing. I feel helpless to … Continue reading Not a Failure

What Thumper’s Father Said

In the classic Disney movie, Bambi, Thumper comments on Bambi’s clumsy first steps, “He doesn’t walk very good, does he?” Thumper’s mother jumps in: “Thumper, what did your father tell you?” A chastened Thumper—and a chastened me, when my mom reminded me of this scene throughout my childhood—quotes: If you can’t say something nice, don’t … Continue reading What Thumper’s Father Said

Up Late with My Babies

Up late has never been my problem. Up early is always a problem. A night owl by nature, I could easily do midnight feedings since I was still awake at midnight. Middle of the night wake-ups were hard, but the 6 am feedings were brutal; I sleep best in the early morning hours. Obviously we’re … Continue reading Up Late with My Babies

Learning from Babies

Q15 lost his passport coming home from Mexico over spring break. He claims he gave it to Guy, Guy doesn’t remember ever receiving it, neither can find it. We need a replacement since Q leaves on a Scouting canoe trip in Canada next week. Within a certain window of time and requiring both parents meant … Continue reading Learning from Babies

Talking with Teens

My sons have temperaments on opposite ends of the spectrum. One wears his heart on his sleeve. He'll tell me anything (sometimes more than I want to know). The other holds his cards close, and I have to pay special attention for the times when he might feel more talkative. Still, over their lifetimes we've … Continue reading Talking with Teens

Found It!

Most visitors to Año Nuevo State Park this time of year are looking for elephant seals. Our family went in search of a snake. The San Francisco Garter Snake, to be exact, an endangered species that makes its home in that area. C20 has been desperate to find one. We decided to make this President's … Continue reading Found It!


Parenting can be So Fun! For example, today, when I told Q14 I would pick him up mid-school day but didn't explain why. And he didn't remember or figure out that TODAY is the day he gets his braces off! And I got to surprise him with one of the best surprises an adolescent can … Continue reading Surprise!