Talking with Teens

My sons have temperaments on opposite ends of the spectrum. One wears his heart on his sleeve. He'll tell me anything (sometimes more than I want to know). The other holds his cards close, and I have to pay special attention for the times when he might feel more talkative. Still, over their lifetimes we've … Continue reading Talking with Teens

Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Pictures of cute kittens and babies aside, one of the more useful benefits of social media is connecting with people you haven't seen in a while. That's exactly what happened when, a few years ago, I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in over 20 years. He had stumbled across our church … Continue reading Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Talking with Boys in Cars

Long before Guy and I had kids of our own, let alone teenagers, we ran a youth group filled with young people we loved. One of the things we quickly learned: girls like to talk face-to-face while boys talk more openly when engaged in activity. Of course that's a generality, but we've seen it play out so many times … Continue reading Talking with Boys in Cars