Starting Over

My son flubbed another school band audition, even though he played well in the practice room just before. Nerves. Before bedtime, I told him the story of why I quit playing the piano: The last time I performed on the piano was a lovely spring day in April 1988. Fifty or so music professors, music … Continue reading Starting Over


It can be hard to find beauty as you walk in the wasteland... And some days, seasons, in our lives feel just like that: devoid of beauty, wasted, bleak. But there is hope, friends, always hope. My friend Kristi reminds us to look to the phoenix. Grieve the losses, yes, but look for the new … Continue reading Phoenix


Oh friends, how I have needed the words and wisdom of this post...! Even for those who don't think of themselves as Creatives, our very lives are adventures we have the privilege to create. Ann yearns to cheer-lead and encourage, and I'm certain others also need the cool refreshment she's offering, the gentle nudge to … Continue reading Forward

Art Therapy

Dr. Seuss writes, "Oh, the places you will go!" which I echo, "Oh, the places our children will lead us..." Before Teen was born, I could never have imagined that he would lead me hunting for and racing snails, and later, in search of snakes in the jungles of Costa Rica. LaRae Seifert was Frank-ly surprised … Continue reading Art Therapy

Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Pictures of cute kittens and babies aside, one of the more useful benefits of social media is connecting with people you haven't seen in a while. That's exactly what happened when, a few years ago, I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in over 20 years. He had stumbled across our church … Continue reading Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Daydream Painter

Today's guest post comes from a friend I met when he was in a high school youth group we led. He and his friends formed this motley crew of fantastic off-beat guys who to this day lovingly remind me of The Outsiders. They made me laugh, asked the best questions, and kept me on my toes … Continue reading Daydream Painter

Empowered for Creative Investment

During a job transition for us, we were privileged for a short time to attend a small church with the loveliest people. Among them were Scott Sabin and family. Humble and unassuming, it took us a bit (but not that long) to realize that Scott is a world-changer. His work with Plant With Purpose changes lives around the world and … Continue reading Empowered for Creative Investment

Project Parenting

This morning I had a long-overdue cuppa tea with a friend. Of course we talked about our kids. My Teen is a few years ahead of hers, and so conversations in our home run a different course than she has to deal with quite yet – driving, drinking, dating, college, life goals and plans… My … Continue reading Project Parenting