Sharing Stories Only You Can Tell

My mom died on February 4, 2023. Though she’d been declining over the past three years, when she left us it felt like a devastating earthquake, complete with aftershocks. Six weeks later, my sister organized a gathering Mom would have enjoyed: a garden party and lunch with her inner circle of dear friends. She arranged … Continue reading Sharing Stories Only You Can Tell

Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Pictures of cute kittens and babies aside, one of the more useful benefits of social media is connecting with people you haven't seen in a while. That's exactly what happened when, a few years ago, I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in over 20 years. He had stumbled across our church … Continue reading Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination


The Friday night DVD over, Tween got ready for bed while Guy channel surfed. He landed on a food show just as they began a profile on a restaurant in the town where we attended college. The owner couple looked round-about our age, like ordinary, friendly people with whom we - and you - would like to … Continue reading Go