Beautiful Compost

Even the compost pile can be beautiful. Last month I submitted two articles to two different publications within six days. Both took a lot out of me and involved revisiting pain (more than a few tears shed) to excavate joy. Important, deep, meaningful work. Energizing and exhausting work. Last week I heard that one of … Continue reading Beautiful Compost

Reading: Aug-Oct 2021

What are you reading? has to be one of my favorite questions both to ask and answer. I love books and I love talking about books. Of the eleven books I've read since my kiddo resumed in-person school in mid-August, nine were written or co-written by women, three are non-fiction, two are YA, two qualify … Continue reading Reading: Aug-Oct 2021

Know Your Why

Besides caring for myself, my guys, and our small menagerie, I invest myself in writing. Why? I write to encourage those who read my words. I write to encourage… Your heartYour faith and practiceYour health and wholenessYour pursuit of lifelong learningYour commitment to justice and right actionYour creativity - even if you think you don’t … Continue reading Know Your Why

I Write…

To know what I thinkTo work through what I don’t yet knowTo know and be known, to love and be lovedTo acknowledge my feelings To organize the chaos and cultivate inner orderTo connect the dots and create meaningTo noticeTo bear witness To remember the past and record the present for the sake of the futureTo … Continue reading I Write…

Questions & More Questions

It rarely happens, but my words have stopped flowing. Not entirely, as I have experienced sudden word-gushes that burst in one direction or another. But the regular flow of words that lands in daily 20 minute journaling sessions and twice-weekly blog posts and daily social media posts...that flow has dammed up, leaving only trickles seeping … Continue reading Questions & More Questions

Following the Words: Scattered

One evening I heard myself say to my husband, “I feel scattered.” I went on to explain just a few of the dizzying directions in which my brain was spinning: the books I’m reading--to study the author’s writing style, to challenge myself to learn about life from a different perspective, to unwind before bed; my … Continue reading Following the Words: Scattered

Getting Crafty: Working and Playing with Creativity

Do you have a craft, a skill you exercise regularly to make something?Do you consider yourself crafty, making things for fun or profit? Yes, I know, “crafty” also means deceptive, but that’s not this post. My craft is writing. I work at it diligently most days of the week. I employ different techniques depending on … Continue reading Getting Crafty: Working and Playing with Creativity

Lent 2020: See What We Can Do

“Look!...See what we can do with our very own hands!” They were quite pleased with themselves. But God wasn’t pleased with them…. They were trying to live without him, but God knew that wouldn’t make them happy or safe or anything. God gave us bright brains and capable hands and put us in groups to … Continue reading Lent 2020: See What We Can Do