Getting Crafty: Working and Playing with Creativity

Do you have a craft, a skill you exercise regularly to make something?Do you consider yourself crafty, making things for fun or profit? Yes, I know, “crafty” also means deceptive, but that’s not this post. My craft is writing. I work at it diligently most days of the week. I employ different techniques depending on … Continue reading Getting Crafty: Working and Playing with Creativity

Creative Courage

When I invited my friend Paul to contribute a post on creativity to the blog, he responded, "Just one? I can write more..." That's one of the things I have long appreciated about Paul: he is generous. Generous in creativity, in friendship, in spirit. Paul kicked off the 2016 Create Challenge with a heartfelt post about … Continue reading Creative Courage

Sharing Creativity and Time

Some days I consider that I need a creative pastime that doesn't involve words or, specifically, my computer. And on those days I think of my friend Jen, who quietly, humbly, and persistently creates works of whimsical beauty with her hands. Jen is always good for a smile, a laugh, a story, a listening ear, and … Continue reading Sharing Creativity and Time

The Most Amazing Gift

This Create Challenge began as a challenge to myself - and to all of us - to think outside the box on what it means to create, to be creators, to engage in creative activity. Because Life = creative activity. Because miracles abound in the mundane, the sacred infuses the secular, play does a happy … Continue reading The Most Amazing Gift