The River Flows Onward: My Word for 2021

When stay-at-home orders last March yanked all routines out from under our feet, I fell hard. Which makes sense: as an Enneagram 4, my creative spirit both resists and requires routine. Any routine, even as simple as the imposed time structure around my son’s school day. I don’t do transitions well - it takes me … Continue reading The River Flows Onward: My Word for 2021

Getting Crafty: Working and Playing with Creativity

Do you have a craft, a skill you exercise regularly to make something?Do you consider yourself crafty, making things for fun or profit? Yes, I know, “crafty” also means deceptive, but that’s not this post. My craft is writing. I work at it diligently most days of the week. I employ different techniques depending on … Continue reading Getting Crafty: Working and Playing with Creativity