The River Flows Onward: My Word for 2021

When stay-at-home orders last March yanked all routines out from under our feet, I fell hard. Which makes sense: as an Enneagram 4, my creative spirit both resists and requires routine. Any routine, even as simple as the imposed time structure around my son’s school day. I don’t do transitions well - it takes me … Continue reading The River Flows Onward: My Word for 2021

Creativity as Spiritual Practice

I read in The Artist’s Way: Are you contemplative? Yes. Do you allow yourself to go on retreat? Oh, well… Shortly thereafter, I saw a magazine ad for a nearby retreat center. An ad for the same center popped up on social media a few days after that; I clicked, and Julia Cameron, author of … Continue reading Creativity as Spiritual Practice

Everything Thrums

As I prepare this post, Teen has the TV on while watching videos on his phone and Tween stares into the computer game abyss. The competing sounds drown out the natural world: birdsong, chattering squirrels, leaves rustling in the (too) slight summer breeze. My friend Bruce encourages us to listen, to tap into the flow, … Continue reading Everything Thrums