Creativity as Spiritual Practice

I read in The Artist’s Way: Are you contemplative? Yes. Do you allow yourself to go on retreat? Oh, well… Shortly thereafter, I saw a magazine ad for a nearby retreat center. An ad for the same center popped up on social media a few days after that; I clicked, and Julia Cameron, author of … Continue reading Creativity as Spiritual Practice

When One Word Won’t Cut It

My One Word for 2015 was a phrase: Put yourself in the way of beauty. It required action on my part (put) and a goal (beauty). In 2016, I chose Create, which led to a series of connections and blog posts on creativity from various creative friends, many of whom stretched to embrace the creativity … Continue reading When One Word Won’t Cut It

2018 Word: Connect

I first chose a word to guide my year in 2015. More accurately, I chose a phrase: Put yourself in the way of beauty. It required intention, getting up and going out in pursuit of beautiful occasions with beautiful people. So different from any resolution I’d tried before, it changed the way I moved through … Continue reading 2018 Word: Connect

Advent 3 – Longing for the Prince of Peace

When I chose "recreate" as my 2017 word of the year, I anticipated keeping on keeping on with my creative life pursuits while engaging more playfully. I did not expect the mess, the dusty piles that result from taking things apart in order to make something new. I didn't expect the directions the word would … Continue reading Advent 3 – Longing for the Prince of Peace

Proof of God’s Existence

I stand in awe of people with the kind of artistic ability you'll see in today's guest post. In fact, creative talent of this caliber, in any form--painting, drawing, making music, dancing, writing--seems to me proof enough of a Creator in whose image people were created to create. re:create recess #21: Jae Moon Lee Coincidently, … Continue reading Proof of God’s Existence

Comfort in Creation

Today's post comes from a beautiful person who creates beautiful art. English is not her first language, but the way she uses the language strikes me as poetic. Here she writes about the healing power of nature, and I feel as if we are meandering together along a path through the woods. re:create recess #20: … Continue reading Comfort in Creation

The Sad Song

I had a rare treat last weekend: a Barnes & Noble sat across the street from the hotel where we stayed. Since most bookstores in our area have closed, I relished the opportunity to spend an hour meandering, collecting a stack of books that attracted my attention for various reasons, and sitting in a corner … Continue reading The Sad Song


It can be hard to find beauty as you walk in the wasteland... And some days, seasons, in our lives feel just like that: devoid of beauty, wasted, bleak. But there is hope, friends, always hope. My friend Kristi reminds us to look to the phoenix. Grieve the losses, yes, but look for the new … Continue reading Phoenix


Oh friends, how I have needed the words and wisdom of this post...! Even for those who don't think of themselves as Creatives, our very lives are adventures we have the privilege to create. Ann yearns to cheer-lead and encourage, and I'm certain others also need the cool refreshment she's offering, the gentle nudge to … Continue reading Forward

Thankful Thursday – Gentleness

I slapped off my alarm Monday morning, the one I set so I could have coffee before yoga. Eh, maybe the later class. I missed the later class. Eh, I’ll go to the gym. I had no energy for the gym. Not even for a run around the neighborhood. So I used the dog as … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Gentleness