Not 20 for 2020

I don't make resolutions. Which may sound odd when you read the list below except, to me, they're not resolutions. They're more like goals or intentions, things I'm already working on that I want to work on more diligently. For example, I already walk the dogs and drink water, but these goals give me a … Continue reading Not 20 for 2020

Two Words

What's your most spectacular New Year's resolution fail? To get healthy, eat clean, lose ## pounds? To stop swearing, or drinking? To fall in love, or find a new job you love? I gave up on resolutions years ago. Why set myself up for failure...again and again, year after year? If I'm going to set … Continue reading Two Words

Happiness Questions

Ready to think about your own happiness? Want to have more meaningful  conversations, whether you're driving your teen home from school or having family dinner? Or (do what I did) gather a group of friends and have a chat about happiness. Here you go! 1. Share a happy childhood memory. 2. Which of your possessions … Continue reading Happiness Questions

Create Happiness

My One Word aspiration for January 2019 is to Create Happiness. A microcosm of life, this month presented both expected and unexpected happiness challenges. I know I’m living my best life when I am reading, writing, and cooking regularly; this month has been all out of whack on all fronts and the best I’ve been … Continue reading Create Happiness


Of course you have routines, but do you have rituals? Maria Popova, of Brain Pickings, explains them this way: While routine aims to make the chaos of everyday life more containable and controllable, ritual aims to imbue the mundane with an element of the magical. The structure of routine comforts us, and the specialness of … Continue reading Rituals

When One Word Won’t Cut It

My One Word for 2015 was a phrase: Put yourself in the way of beauty. It required action on my part (put) and a goal (beauty). In 2016, I chose Create, which led to a series of connections and blog posts on creativity from various creative friends, many of whom stretched to embrace the creativity … Continue reading When One Word Won’t Cut It

C’mon, Get Happy

Since we wish one another "Happy New Year!" thinking about happiness seemed like a good place to start 2018. I compiled a list of questions to guide my reflections, and even invited a few friends over to discuss them together. Pick your favorite question and respond in the comments. I'd love to connect with you! Share a … Continue reading C’mon, Get Happy

2018 Word: Connect

I first chose a word to guide my year in 2015. More accurately, I chose a phrase: Put yourself in the way of beauty. It required intention, getting up and going out in pursuit of beautiful occasions with beautiful people. So different from any resolution I’d tried before, it changed the way I moved through … Continue reading 2018 Word: Connect

Advent 3 – Longing for the Prince of Peace

When I chose "recreate" as my 2017 word of the year, I anticipated keeping on keeping on with my creative life pursuits while engaging more playfully. I did not expect the mess, the dusty piles that result from taking things apart in order to make something new. I didn't expect the directions the word would … Continue reading Advent 3 – Longing for the Prince of Peace