Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

A writing friend sent me some writing prompts. One in particular caught my eye: “Compare happiness to an animal.” My animal-loving son sat nearby as I read her email. I love animals, you may love animals, many of us love animals. My son takes loving animals to a whole different level. Like to an animal … Continue reading Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

21 Ways to Jump Start Joy

During the last week of 2020 I greeted neighbors with a sing-song, “Happier New Year!” One replied, “It’s got to get better, right?” to which I responded, “I’m not sure how it can get much worse.” My husband raised his eyebrows. “Don’t tempt fate,” he warned. We knew to expect that 2021 would continue the … Continue reading 21 Ways to Jump Start Joy

Cultivating Quiet

To increase happiness, I made a commitment in January to practice silence by minimizing noise and negativity of all sorts. Since then, I’ve given myself permission to turn off the car radio when there isn’t a song that moves me. Music off, I get to sit with my thoughts for the duration of the drive—and … Continue reading Cultivating Quiet

Happiness Questions

Ready to think about your own happiness? Want to have more meaningful  conversations, whether you're driving your teen home from school or having family dinner? Or (do what I did) gather a group of friends and have a chat about happiness. Here you go! 1. Share a happy childhood memory. 2. Which of your possessions … Continue reading Happiness Questions

Create Happiness

My One Word aspiration for January 2019 is to Create Happiness. A microcosm of life, this month presented both expected and unexpected happiness challenges. I know I’m living my best life when I am reading, writing, and cooking regularly; this month has been all out of whack on all fronts and the best I’ve been … Continue reading Create Happiness


Of course you have routines, but do you have rituals? Maria Popova, of Brain Pickings, explains them this way: While routine aims to make the chaos of everyday life more containable and controllable, ritual aims to imbue the mundane with an element of the magical. The structure of routine comforts us, and the specialness of … Continue reading Rituals

C’mon, Get Happy

Since we wish one another "Happy New Year!" thinking about happiness seemed like a good place to start 2018. I compiled a list of questions to guide my reflections, and even invited a few friends over to discuss them together. Pick your favorite question and respond in the comments. I'd love to connect with you! Share a … Continue reading C’mon, Get Happy

Thankful Thursday – Growing Happy

Where did I read it? Magazine, blog, online news article...? Anyway, last weekend I read, somewhere, that those who study these things have shown three significant factors that affect brain chemistry to increase the feelings of happiness: Gratitude Laughter Good people Gratitude: find three unique things for which you can be grateful each day. I … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Growing Happy

Thankful Thursday – A New Year

I haven't posted a Thankful Thursday in a while. I also cannot believe we are three weeks into 2016. And yet, I'm already planning for spring, and summer, and fall, and I'm not even sure what happened to Christmas except that it was, in surprising ways, quiet, lovely and crazy, relaxing and somehow just what … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – A New Year

Sari, Not Sorry

A couple months ago our church had a women's retreat. I'm a little funny about gender exclusive events and wasn't sure I'd go until I opened my mouth to invite others to join me. And then the organizer asked if I would model a sari in the fashion show. Why a fashion show? would be a great … Continue reading Sari, Not Sorry