Books Make the Best Gifts – Holiday 2020

I just finished reading my 74th book in 2020. Way back in January, or what feels like eight years ago now, I set a goal to read 55 books; Goodreads tells me I'm at 135% of that goal--and I'm not done yet! Still, it's time to purchase holiday gifts and I have some readers on … Continue reading Books Make the Best Gifts – Holiday 2020

I Went Home.

Many of the Christian women writers, teachers, and preachers I follow have posted this week about John MacArthur’s deplorable behavior at a recent men’s conference. He was asked what two words come to mind when he hears the name “Beth Moore.” He replied, “Go home.” Beth Moore has been a powerful Bible teacher for 40 … Continue reading I Went Home.

Good Gifts

As a high school senior, my favorite teacher taught Child Development, the most fun elective a baby-loving kid could take. Also our Senior Class Advisor, Teacher was wild and crazy in all the ways teens love: funny, with a huge laugh; refreshingly honest, telling us truths about which our parents only blushed; smart and engaging, she made … Continue reading Good Gifts

Advent 4 – Knowing Peace

Around the time Teen hit middle school I began encouraging him each time he walked away: "Be your best you," meaning make good choices and do your best and stay true to yourself. You can be yourself, but it takes intentionality to be your best version of yourself. So maybe it shouldn't have surprised me … Continue reading Advent 4 – Knowing Peace

Help. Thanks. Wow.

Anne Lamott, or as others call her, St. Anne, claims that the Essential Prayers sound this simple: Help. Thanks. Wow. I have prayed many, many words over many, many years, but I’m not sure I could come up with a prayer, petition, or praise that wouldn’t fit those three categories: help, thanks, wow. Other than … Continue reading Help. Thanks. Wow.

The Church: Traveling Together

What seems like a bazillion years ago, I participated in a high school marching band (sorry, no humiliating pictures available - I did look, I promise). Before freshman year, I registered to be the pianist/accompanist for Beginning Orchestra; unbeknownst to me, everyone quit and the band director transferred me to Marching Band. And the trombone, because the … Continue reading The Church: Traveling Together

When Tuesday Acts Like Monday

The day after Memorial Day Monday, of course, is Tuesday. But when Monday is a holiday and Tuesday begins the week, then Tuesday acts like Monday. Except that I work from home most Mondays, and Tuesday doesn't allow me that freedom. People grump about Mondays but they're one of my favorite days of the week; … Continue reading When Tuesday Acts Like Monday

Sari, Not Sorry

A couple months ago our church had a women's retreat. I'm a little funny about gender exclusive events and wasn't sure I'd go until I opened my mouth to invite others to join me. And then the organizer asked if I would model a sari in the fashion show. Why a fashion show? would be a great … Continue reading Sari, Not Sorry

Project Week

It's been a week of projects around our house. Tween has been working on a science project. Teen completed a career project. Tween had a music lesson in preparation for his first big concert. Teen and I both finished reading books; Tween has almost finished the book he's reading. And of course Guy and I both … Continue reading Project Week

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

The leprechauns stopped by to lead the boys on their annual treasure hunt. Our leprechauns don't come in the wee hours, and we have never tried to trap them. Their only mischief is to create silly clues that have the kids running from side-to-side of the house, laughing all the way. We started this tradition … Continue reading Happy St. Patrick’s Day!