Lent 2021: Explore Playful Practice

“...Lent is a speed bump in the church year, inviting us into reflection, confession, and prayer as we approach Holy Week and Easter, a time when we remember the profound costliness of God’s abundant love for us.” --Susan Phillips, PhD, Executive Director of New College Berkeley Image by Trevor M from Pixabay I love the … Continue reading Lent 2021: Explore Playful Practice

Easter Sunday 2020

"Jesus isn't dead anymore!" [the angel] said. "He's alive again!" And [the women's] hearts leapt. And then the angel laughed with such gladness... Jesus Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah! For those who want a fresh take on Luke's familiar resurrection account, I offer some questions to guide you. Connect Reflect on a … Continue reading Easter Sunday 2020

Lent 2020: Maundy Thursday

“My body is like this bread. It will break.” Jesus told them. “This cup of wine is like my blood. It will pour out.” “But this is how God will rescue the whole world…. So whenever you eat and drink, remember,” Jesus said, “I’ve rescued you!” My husband just popped dinner in the oven (a … Continue reading Lent 2020: Maundy Thursday

Lent 2020: I Pray…

“Did you know that God is always listening to you? Did you know that God can hear the quietest whisper deep inside your heart, even before you’ve started to say it? Because God knows exactly what you need even before you ask him…. So when you pray, pray in your normal voice, just like when … Continue reading Lent 2020: I Pray…

Lent 2020: We Need Him a Lot

...the people God uses don’t have to know a lot of things, or have a lot of things--they just have to need him a lot. Jesus called out to them, “Let’s go!” My creative collaborator and I created a day-by-day prayer card to guide our church and unify our prayers during Lent. Of course we … Continue reading Lent 2020: We Need Him a Lot

Lent 2020: Heart of Love

“This is the one!...He has a heart like mine,” God said. “It is full of love.” I want a heart like God’s, full of love. Instead, my heart is filled with anxiety, complaints, aches, and some truly yucky gunk, like anger and fear. My heart needs a thorough cleansing. I imagine taking it out, holding … Continue reading Lent 2020: Heart of Love

Lent 2020: Celebrate Love

God’s people were safe. They danced and laughed and sang and thanked God -- when there had been no way out, God had made a way. “I want you to love me more than anything else in all the world -- and know that I love you, too,” God told them. “That’s the most important … Continue reading Lent 2020: Celebrate Love

Lent 2020: Trust & Watch

God knows you can’t do anything!... God will do it for you. Trust him. And watch! I am such a Moses - easily overwhelmed, a total scaredy cat, prone to arguing with God about things I’d rather not do, bargaining for a more comfortable approach. What I love about the Moses story is that God … Continue reading Lent 2020: Trust & Watch

Lent 2020: Magnificent Dreams

God had a magnificent dream for Joseph’s life and even when it looked like everything had gone wrong, God would use it all to help make the dream come true. What do you dream for your life? Are your dreams coming true? As a little girl growing up in Southern California, Disneyland was heaven on … Continue reading Lent 2020: Magnificent Dreams