Lent 2020: I Pray…

“Did you know that God is always listening to you? Did you know that God can hear the quietest whisper deep inside your heart, even before you’ve started to say it? Because God knows exactly what you need even before you ask him…. So when you pray, pray in your normal voice, just like when … Continue reading Lent 2020: I Pray…

Good Gifts

As a high school senior, my favorite teacher taught Child Development, the most fun elective a baby-loving kid could take. Also our Senior Class Advisor, Teacher was wild and crazy in all the ways teens love: funny, with a huge laugh; refreshingly honest, telling us truths about which our parents only blushed; smart and engaging, she made … Continue reading Good Gifts

Shameless Audacity

One year ago our family was caught up in a season of prayer and preparation for Guy's pastoral sabbatical. For two years we had thought we'd go to Peru to work with Kids Alive International in the Andes. Guy has been several times and his heart has broken for the needs of the people there; … Continue reading Shameless Audacity