Word Doodles

Most of us want to fit in. But often creative types just don't--their forms of play, of self-expression, set them apart from the crowd. Many of us learn to love that about ourselves, at least most of the time. Then again, it's also nice to receive appreciation for our unique gifts and our very selves. … Continue reading Word Doodles

The (Wounded) Artist

Create Challenge Guest Post #1 - woo hoo! I am so excited to devote Wednesdays on this blog to create a platform for friends wide and far, from every arena of my life, to share their perspective on and experience of creativity. And I am a big fan of today's guest post author, Paul Quinlivan, as I've been cheering … Continue reading The (Wounded) Artist

Shameless Audacity

One year ago our family was caught up in a season of prayer and preparation for Guy's pastoral sabbatical. For two years we had thought we'd go to Peru to work with Kids Alive International in the Andes. Guy has been several times and his heart has broken for the needs of the people there; … Continue reading Shameless Audacity