Meatless Monday – Healthy-Yummy Ramen

My kids love ramen noodle soup but I don't want to serve them super-processed unhealthy foods. My version cooks in one pot in less than ten minutes and hits the spot! Seriously, the kids thank me when I make this one. It's delicious comfort food and an easy clean-out-the-crisper drawer recipe. Healthy-Yummy Ramen Soup Serves 4 8 c … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Healthy-Yummy Ramen

Thankful Thursday = Happiness!

I asked myself this morning whether I would write a Thankful Thursday post. Answer? Not sure. Then I went to my women's group at church and one of the topics was "Happy people are grateful." So here we go. *I am grateful that I am developing new rhythms and taking time to write regularly. It's … Continue reading Thankful Thursday = Happiness!

Shameless Audacity

One year ago our family was caught up in a season of prayer and preparation for Guy's pastoral sabbatical. For two years we had thought we'd go to Peru to work with Kids Alive International in the Andes. Guy has been several times and his heart has broken for the needs of the people there; … Continue reading Shameless Audacity

Put Yourself in the Way of Beauty

The intended impulse behind Miracles in the Mundane is to look for God in my everyday life of family, work, and friendship and encourage others to do the same. So it shouldn't surprise me that a series of essays on using the sense of sight to see God would move me to experience God in … Continue reading Put Yourself in the Way of Beauty

Tuesday Treat – Vegan Chocolate Pudding

Nope, this isn't a bait and switch. I promise to point you to a recipe for a delicious vegan chocolate pudding, but first I'm sharing a Tuesday Treat of a different kind: Fried Brown Rice. This meal came to me like a miracle this evening. Goofy kid schedules, friends coming and going, phone ringing, Guy at … Continue reading Tuesday Treat – Vegan Chocolate Pudding

Spelling Bee

Tween participated in the school-wide spelling bee. Placing in the top two in his classroom bee, he joined seventeen other 3rd through 5th graders. All winners before they hit the stage, Tween made it to 4th place. Miraculous, as years ago experts predicted that given his particular set of learning (dis)abilities, his spelling level wouldn't exceed third grade. … Continue reading Spelling Bee

Quirky Christmas

School for 2014? Check! *Sigh of relief* The kids are off to movies and friends as I borrow a couple of quiet hours to straighten up and address Christmas cards. For weeks the house has been an explosion of Christmas detritus landed alongside, underneath, and atop backpacks, shoes and jackets, sporting equipment, and who knows whose … Continue reading Quirky Christmas

Death and Hope for Life

We all four hopped in the car, heading to the store to buy Christmas gifts for our "adopted" little boys who live over the hill in a poor part of town. These littles, both under five years old, don't have families of their own to buy them gifts, a fact that broke Tween's heart so … Continue reading Death and Hope for Life