Gratitude as Joyful Self-Care

What book has made a lasting positive impression on your life? If you’re a reader, you know: some books are more than good. They’re life-changing. Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts has been one such book for me. Though Voskamp has endured heartbreaking tragedy within her own family, she found her way to gratitude and, through … Continue reading Gratitude as Joyful Self-Care

2017 Reset Button

Today's guest post is our first re:create recess of 2017! Last week's post spelled out what we're doing here, once a week, on the blog, but here's a quick reminder: we're thinking about create with a healthy dose of play and how both can lead to transformation. My friend Cole oozes playful creativity in her fantastic fashion … Continue reading 2017 Reset Button

Merry Merry

In my work as Church Communication Director, I have the privilege and honor of working with a talented graphic designer, an artist in her own right and also thankfully, my friend, Nancy Ingersoll. She gave me permission to share her beautiful Silent Night which she created for an Advent art display of peace-ful imagery. Please … Continue reading Merry Merry

Gratitude Check

Some days are more difficult than others, living in this messy, broken world. Just before heading to bed last night, Guy turned on the evening news and heard that the little girl, missing for days in his hometown, had been found dead. The suspect? A 15-year-old neighbor. Tragedy times two, two broken childhoods. Quietly, I slipped into … Continue reading Gratitude Check

Project Week

It's been a week of projects around our house. Tween has been working on a science project. Teen completed a career project. Tween had a music lesson in preparation for his first big concert. Teen and I both finished reading books; Tween has almost finished the book he's reading. And of course Guy and I both … Continue reading Project Week

Quirky Christmas

School for 2014? Check! *Sigh of relief* The kids are off to movies and friends as I borrow a couple of quiet hours to straighten up and address Christmas cards. For weeks the house has been an explosion of Christmas detritus landed alongside, underneath, and atop backpacks, shoes and jackets, sporting equipment, and who knows whose … Continue reading Quirky Christmas

Death and Hope for Life

We all four hopped in the car, heading to the store to buy Christmas gifts for our "adopted" little boys who live over the hill in a poor part of town. These littles, both under five years old, don't have families of their own to buy them gifts, a fact that broke Tween's heart so … Continue reading Death and Hope for Life

Where do we place our hope?

I had a surprising and completely lovely conversation with Tween after Sunday school this morning. I asked him about the lesson, and he told me the story commonly called The Rich Young Ruler (found in Matthew 19:16-22 and Mark 10:17-27): a man who has kept all the commandments asks Jesus what else he must do, … Continue reading Where do we place our hope?

Peace in Pieces

Advent: Awaiting the Savior who brings hope, peace, joy, love. Our version of Advent week 1: crushing activity and little peace. Oops... Some of this week's low lights: A lens popped out of Tween's glasses when he got jostled playing at a friend's house. And then someone stepped on it, cracking the top of the lens … Continue reading Peace in Pieces

Meatless Monday

My sweet Guy bought me an Advent gift, this beautiful book I look forward to savoring: And today, December 1st, these words leap off the page and into my heart: "Jesus...whispers to you in a noisy world: 'Right where you are, look for the small glimpses of My love unfurling around you....' "Miracles happen whenever … Continue reading Meatless Monday