Meatless Monday – Tomato Soup

I was in a funk. The kiddo was sick and the day's plans dashed. After walking the dogs, I decided to cook the rest of the day away. I created some lovely food, and the acts of creating and serving those I love helped lift the gray clouds from my atmosphere. C19 had called from … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Tomato Soup

Meatless Monday – Cooking with Teen

Last week Teen's senior class had a fundraiser with a local pizza place. They make a delicious deep dish spinach and mushroom pizza. And if you like, they'll make it with whole wheat crust and vegan cheese. Yum! While I had been anticipating leftovers for dinner all day long, I returned home to find that … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Cooking with Teen

Meatless Monday

My sweet Guy bought me an Advent gift, this beautiful book I look forward to savoring: And today, December 1st, these words leap off the page and into my heart: "Jesus...whispers to you in a noisy world: 'Right where you are, look for the small glimpses of My love unfurling around you....' "Miracles happen whenever … Continue reading Meatless Monday