Know Your Why

Besides caring for myself, my guys, and our small menagerie, I invest myself in writing. Why? I write to encourage those who read my words. I write to encourage… Your heartYour faith and practiceYour health and wholenessYour pursuit of lifelong learningYour commitment to justice and right actionYour creativity - even if you think you don’t … Continue reading Know Your Why

These Miraculous Days

Some days are picture perfect--big and bright, colorfully nuanced, blooming like a show-offy prize-winning rose. Those are the days when you wake three minutes before the alarm, energetic and enthusiastic to take on whatever-may-come. The days when the sunlight glints on every surface and the temperature is just right, not too warm or too chill. … Continue reading These Miraculous Days


I like cute-creative Halloween. Not ghosty-ghouly-gorey Halloween. Like the year Tween dressed as a skeleton on Hawaiian vacation: skeleton costume plus grass skirt with Mardi Gras beads and puka shells topped with a straw hat. Cute, creative, and made us all laugh. As I walk the dog through decked out neighborhoods, I continually avert my … Continue reading Muck

Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Pictures of cute kittens and babies aside, one of the more useful benefits of social media is connecting with people you haven't seen in a while. That's exactly what happened when, a few years ago, I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in over 20 years. He had stumbled across our church … Continue reading Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

The Kids are Okay

We have completed Week 2 of the school year and I can happily report that we are all doing OK! At least mostly. I think. We've only had... lost backpack, slept-through alarm clock, forgotten bike lock combination, forgotten lunch box, "oops, I forgot to turn it in" homework assignment, ...a couple "oops, … Continue reading The Kids are Okay

100th Post: Pay It Forward

Guy bought a car last week since our household now claimed three drivers and two cars. We swore we would not buy a car, but this deal was almost too good to pass up. We almost passed it up anyway. The car was older and bigger than Teen wanted, had a lot of miles, and lacked a good … Continue reading 100th Post: Pay It Forward


God has rarely been subtle with me. In my life, He definitely tends toward the dramatic. Before she knew she was pregnant, God woke my mom up in a London hotel room to tell her she would have a baby girl. When three doctors told her I would be a boy (before ultrasounds, of course), … Continue reading Grow


You may have noticed the cultural trend away from resolutions - 25% of people who make resolutions break them within a week - and to choosing a guiding word instead, something like "Love" or "Focus" or "Courage." For those who follow Jesus, our word ought always to be "Jesus," the name of our Beloved continually on our … Continue reading Word

Meatless Monday

My sweet Guy bought me an Advent gift, this beautiful book I look forward to savoring: And today, December 1st, these words leap off the page and into my heart: "Jesus...whispers to you in a noisy world: 'Right where you are, look for the small glimpses of My love unfurling around you....' "Miracles happen whenever … Continue reading Meatless Monday

Mickey Matters

I love Disneyland! Not in an obsessive, appareled and home outfitted, pin collecting and trading sort of way (not that there's anything wrong with that if that's you), but still, I love it. Having grown up in SoCal, Disneyland was "in our backyard" and a regular excursion several times a year for family trips, youth group trips, … Continue reading Mickey Matters