Know Your Why

Besides caring for myself, my guys, and our small menagerie, I invest myself in writing. Why? I write to encourage those who read my words. I write to encourage… Your heartYour faith and practiceYour health and wholenessYour pursuit of lifelong learningYour commitment to justice and right actionYour creativity - even if you think you don’t … Continue reading Know Your Why

Advent Wk3 – The Song of Glory

Years ago a pastor-friend shared from the Sunday chancel that, each year during Advent, he awaits the moment when Christmas will arrive. That feeling of wonder, the child-like joy-filled Christmas spirit, or truly, the Spirit of God who dreamed the first dreams of Christmas. Every year since I've readily anticipated that moment and still every year … Continue reading Advent Wk3 – The Song of Glory

Advent Week 1 -The Promise of Joy

No matter how far in advance I begin preparing for Advent--and as church Communication Director, that can be much farther in advance than you'd think--the first Sunday of Advent always strikes me as a bit of a surprise. End-August through end-November are my professional busy season, reflecting on the past year as I compile the annual report and … Continue reading Advent Week 1 -The Promise of Joy

Books – The Recent Round-Up

Even though May might just be my favorite month - days slightly brighter and longer and birds and flowers singing and springing - the end of school year seems always to twist me up and set me spinning. Not enough time! Too much to do! You have a what project that requires what supplies and you … Continue reading Books – The Recent Round-Up

Mickey Matters

I love Disneyland! Not in an obsessive, appareled and home outfitted, pin collecting and trading sort of way (not that there's anything wrong with that if that's you), but still, I love it. Having grown up in SoCal, Disneyland was "in our backyard" and a regular excursion several times a year for family trips, youth group trips, … Continue reading Mickey Matters