It’s Complicated

One of the lessons from history that repeatedly presented itself during our recent trip to Washington D.C. was just how amazingly complex humans are. People can do fascinating things--like deciding it must be possible to fly like a bird and, within less than ten years, producing not only working airplanes but aviation schools. People can … Continue reading It’s Complicated

Seasonal Recreation

How did you play when you were young? And how do you play now? I used to swim and bike for what seemed like days on end. I took art classes, played piano, and read. These days I hike or run or practice yoga. I write, play at art, and have an ever-growing stack of … Continue reading Seasonal Recreation

For Cryin’ Out Loud

How many times have I sat with a group of women, Bibles open to Luke 10, as criticism of Martha zings around the room? Martha’s too busy. She’s caught up in the wrong thing. She’s obviously Type A. Clearly she’s a fussbudget busybody. She’s overly dramatic. She’s causing a scene. Does she think she needs … Continue reading For Cryin’ Out Loud

Advent Wk3 – The Song of Glory

Years ago a pastor-friend shared from the Sunday chancel that, each year during Advent, he awaits the moment when Christmas will arrive. That feeling of wonder, the child-like joy-filled Christmas spirit, or truly, the Spirit of God who dreamed the first dreams of Christmas. Every year since I've readily anticipated that moment and still every year … Continue reading Advent Wk3 – The Song of Glory

Advent Week 2 -The Promise of a King

In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel announces the divinely-appointed births of two world-changing babies. First he tells Zechariah that Elizabeth will give birth to John the Baptist. Next he tells Mary that she will give birth to the King, the long-awaited Messiah. Zechariah and Mary both respond with a question. Zechariah: "How can I be sure of … Continue reading Advent Week 2 -The Promise of a King