Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

When did you last feel guilty? What did you do, and what did you do with your guilt: confess it and make it right? Hide it and walk away? What are you ashamed of? It could be related to the same situation if your guilt went unresolved. But shame is sneaky. You likely feel ashamed … Continue reading Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

It’s Complicated

One of the lessons from history that repeatedly presented itself during our recent trip to Washington D.C. was just how amazingly complex humans are. People can do fascinating things--like deciding it must be possible to fly like a bird and, within less than ten years, producing not only working airplanes but aviation schools. People can … Continue reading It’s Complicated

Help. Thanks. Wow.

Anne Lamott, or as others call her, St. Anne, claims that the Essential Prayers sound this simple: Help. Thanks. Wow. I have prayed many, many words over many, many years, but I’m not sure I could come up with a prayer, petition, or praise that wouldn’t fit those three categories: help, thanks, wow. Other than … Continue reading Help. Thanks. Wow.

Salvation: Search & Rescue

Mother's Day Sunday afternoon the neighbor's cat caught a small bird, a sparrow, perhaps? Neighbor was able to rescue the terrified bird from the over-excited cat's mouth - Have you ever seen a pet cat with a bird in its mouth? They're funny about it, growl-y and amped, racing about but not injurous - and brought … Continue reading Salvation: Search & Rescue

100th Post: Pay It Forward

Guy bought a car last week since our household now claimed three drivers and two cars. We swore we would not buy a car, but this deal was almost too good to pass up. We almost passed it up anyway. The car was older and bigger than Teen wanted, had a lot of miles, and lacked a good … Continue reading 100th Post: Pay It Forward

Keep On

Some days life takes a hard turn for the unexpected. We ache, we long for something different, we want to hide. But God is all about redemption. Where we see darkness, He is painting the background from which He will erupt glory. For years we longed for a second child. While our coworkers, neighbors, friends all conceived … Continue reading Keep On