Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

When did you last feel guilty? What did you do, and what did you do with your guilt: confess it and make it right? Hide it and walk away? What are you ashamed of? It could be related to the same situation if your guilt went unresolved. But shame is sneaky. You likely feel ashamed … Continue reading Nothing to Be Ashamed Of


"What do your kids want for Christmas?" Honestly, I have no idea how to answer that question. Unlikely they've finally taken our "Need before Want" family value to heart, but they haven't asked for much. Good thing, since we aren't buying much. Black Friday came and went with only so much as a fleeting glance at the mall; … Continue reading Gifting

Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

As Church Communication Director, this week before Thanksgiving is always one of the busiest work weeks of the year as we rush to get Christmas PR printed, in the mail, up around town, in the newspaper, you name it. The creative work, writing and designing, is mostly done, so this week is all about details - proofing and making … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

Generous and Free

Warning: Reading the Bible can lead to unexpected changes in behavior. “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.” Psalm 112:5 NIV I read this verse in the morning, as I often do, and asked God what He wanted to say. I reflected on our recent … Continue reading Generous and Free