Give Good Gifts

My nephew came to visit and brought me a gift from my sister. She thought I needed some encouragement, so she put together the best care package ever. Gifts are her love language, not mine. Time and good company are really all I need to feel loved. But this gift…! She packed a small box … Continue reading Give Good Gifts

Talking with Teens

My sons have temperaments on opposite ends of the spectrum. One wears his heart on his sleeve. He'll tell me anything (sometimes more than I want to know). The other holds his cards close, and I have to pay special attention for the times when he might feel more talkative. Still, over their lifetimes we've … Continue reading Talking with Teens

Friendship Quilt

As a young adult, a dear friend introduced me to Anne of Green Gables. Anne pines for a bosom friend, a kindred spirit, whom she finds in Diana Barry. Maybe you have one Best Friend. Maybe you have a Friendship Quilt. Either way, we can be grateful for the friends in our lives. Guest post: … Continue reading Friendship Quilt

Kids’ Connections

Long ago I had the privilege to lead this sweet young lady in following Jesus. Truly, it was a joy to walk together and I'm sure I learned as much from her as she did from me. Now she has the privilege of leading others... I love how that works! Guest Post: Sara Pantazes The … Continue reading Kids’ Connections

The Person Right Here

[Since I don’t post when I’m away from home, this week I’m going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation…] True confession: because we work at a church, we don’t always hit a church on vacation Sundays. Because, in too many ways, church = work. We love Jesus, but we can’t … Continue reading The Person Right Here

Creatively Connecting People to Great People

You know what I mean: some people just light up the world. Not just the room, but the hearts and faces and lives of everyone she encounters. Tori is one of those people. The last time I saw her, she arrived on my doorstep with a delightful squeal, an armful of flowers, and a story about … Continue reading Creatively Connecting People to Great People

Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

As Church Communication Director, this week before Thanksgiving is always one of the busiest work weeks of the year as we rush to get Christmas PR printed, in the mail, up around town, in the newspaper, you name it. The creative work, writing and designing, is mostly done, so this week is all about details - proofing and making … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry