Want to Be Productive? Add Joy!

When our younger son was diagnosed in middle school with inattentive ADHD, I discovered that I have it, too. Our older son has what most people think of as ADHD: capital-H Hyperactive. Our younger son’s personality is so different that we had no idea. Turns out, ADHD doesn’t always look the same. I thought I … Continue reading Want to Be Productive? Add Joy!

Sabbath 2

You find what you look for. I've been thinking about Sabbath, so of course I've found it even when I haven't been actively looking. Try these unintentional definitions: Stop doing and just be here. "This is the day that the Lord has made. You can rejoice and be glad in it. You can have fun … Continue reading Sabbath 2

Power Down & Play

"Wow, you really need to get away!" said Co-worker as she realized I had missed something squarely in my easy-peasy realm of responsibility. I worked frenetically up until fifteen minutes before our car drove away. While I did pull out my phone a few times on the drive, I also made a concerted effort not to … Continue reading Power Down & Play

Creating a Life

Today's guest post comes from a friend with whom I have cherished memories of galumphing through Scotland and England--drinking LOTS of tea, enjoying plays, memorizing poetry, and discussing life, love, future, literature and more literature and a scattering of theology (she was one of the first female theology students I met in college and she introduced me to … Continue reading Creating a Life

Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

As Church Communication Director, this week before Thanksgiving is always one of the busiest work weeks of the year as we rush to get Christmas PR printed, in the mail, up around town, in the newspaper, you name it. The creative work, writing and designing, is mostly done, so this week is all about details - proofing and making … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry


My kids don't do transitions well. I know this, and sometimes it still surprises me. During a still-early fall hallway conversation with Tween's then-2nd grade teacher, she commented that Tween didn't seem to be taking school seriously. Without missing a beat I responded, "Give him until Thanksgiving and he'll be great!" She looked at me … Continue reading Jumbled