Pursuing Hobbies Side-by-Side

Relationship tips: do your own things side-by-side. Also, support each other in doing your own things even when you can’t do them side-by-side. Dave wanted to go fishing while we were in British Columbia. Who knows if we’ll ever get back there, so it was worth an afternoon. We spent the morning together gasping at … Continue reading Pursuing Hobbies Side-by-Side


The one-word writing prompt—exact—reminds me that I am not one for exact-ness. Numbers require precision, and I am a Word Girl who prefers not to deal with numbers. Even when I’m looking for just the right word(s), I could be convinced of any number of synonyms that would carry the meaning and lend a nuance. … Continue reading Exact

24 Years and Counting

Today we celebrate 24 years of marriage. We met at 17, started dating at 20, got engaged at 22, and married at 23. We have now been married more than half our lives. In that time, we have lived in seven homes in three counties in one state. We have worked at nine jobs, including … Continue reading 24 Years and Counting

Remember, Forget, Imagine, Hope

As we approach the end of the year and the end of this guest post series, I feel reflective and overwhelmed at the talented people who surround my life. Sarah is one of those people (as you're about to see if you don't already know her). We are co-workers and friends; she leads me in … Continue reading Remember, Forget, Imagine, Hope


My kids don't do transitions well. I know this, and sometimes it still surprises me. During a still-early fall hallway conversation with Tween's then-2nd grade teacher, she commented that Tween didn't seem to be taking school seriously. Without missing a beat I responded, "Give him until Thanksgiving and he'll be great!" She looked at me … Continue reading Jumbled

Checking In

Do you know what it is to feel the light of love inside you? And all the darkness falls away If you feel the way I feel then I believe we have the answer I've been searching for tonight --Dave Matthews, "Shake Me Like a Monkey" He took me to the coast, this Guy who … Continue reading Checking In