How are you? No, really…

How are you? she asks, a simple question requiring an easy answer. But do we really have a simple answer? I could tell her I’m tired, weary in my bones and soul. So weary that sleep plays hide and seek through the dark hours, slipping through my grasp each time I think I’ve caught it. … Continue reading How are you? No, really…


My sister has battled a chronic illness for 12.5 years, one that almost killed her at first and kept her in a medically-induced coma for most of the next five months. She has been in and out of countless doctors' offices and in the hospital too regularly. It's quite possible that, in any given year, she sees … Continue reading chronic…peace?

Creating a Life

Today's guest post comes from a friend with whom I have cherished memories of galumphing through Scotland and England--drinking LOTS of tea, enjoying plays, memorizing poetry, and discussing life, love, future, literature and more literature and a scattering of theology (she was one of the first female theology students I met in college and she introduced me to … Continue reading Creating a Life

Thankful Thursday – Kickin’ the Door Shut & a Happy Dance!

By 12:20pm tomorrow, both our boys will be done with this school year. Hallelujah! This has been a particularly rough year for a variety of reasons. Junior year for Teen, filled to the brim with cultural stress even when our immediate little family wasn't topped to our own stress limit. Unfortunately for all of us, his school … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Kickin’ the Door Shut & a Happy Dance!

The Kids are Okay

We have completed Week 2 of the school year and I can happily report that we are all doing OK! At least mostly. I think. We've only had... lost backpack, slept-through alarm clock, forgotten bike lock combination, forgotten lunch box, "oops, I forgot to turn it in" homework assignment, ...a couple "oops, … Continue reading The Kids are Okay


My kids don't do transitions well. I know this, and sometimes it still surprises me. During a still-early fall hallway conversation with Tween's then-2nd grade teacher, she commented that Tween didn't seem to be taking school seriously. Without missing a beat I responded, "Give him until Thanksgiving and he'll be great!" She looked at me … Continue reading Jumbled


Both Teen and Tween have learning "differences." [I hate the term "disability" because, as The Gift of ADHD points out, what society calls a disability comes with its own gifts.] They are both intelligent, and both have gifts that make typical classroom learning a challenge. They might do great at the right charter or private school, … Continue reading Thrive