Good Enough

When I was in high school, Good Enough was good enough. We did our best - and sometimes not - and we did well. Most kids in my middle-class high school were on the College Prep track; we knew a few in the "non-College Prep" classes, and we understood they struggled; we knew a few who took Honors/AP … Continue reading Good Enough

Spelling Bee

Tween participated in the school-wide spelling bee. Placing in the top two in his classroom bee, he joined seventeen other 3rd through 5th graders. All winners before they hit the stage, Tween made it to 4th place. Miraculous, as years ago experts predicted that given his particular set of learning (dis)abilities, his spelling level wouldn't exceed third grade. … Continue reading Spelling Bee


Both Teen and Tween have learning "differences." [I hate the term "disability" because, as The Gift of ADHD points out, what society calls a disability comes with its own gifts.] They are both intelligent, and both have gifts that make typical classroom learning a challenge. They might do great at the right charter or private school, … Continue reading Thrive